Source code for permaviss.spectral_sequence.spectral_sequence_class


import numpy as np

from multiprocessing import Pool
from functools import partial

from ..simplicial_complexes.differentials import complex_differentials
from ..gauss_mod_p.gauss_mod_p import gauss_col_rad, gauss_barcodes

from ..persistence_algebra.barcode_bases import barcode_basis

from .local_chains_class import local_chains

[docs]class spectral_sequence(object): """Space and methods for Mayer-Vietoris spectral sequences Parameters ---------- nerve : :obj:`list(Numpy Array)` Simplicial complex storing the nerve of the covering. This is stored as a list, where the ith entry contains a :obj:`Numpy Array` storing all the ith simplices; a simplex for each row. nerve_point_cloud : :obj:`list(list(Numpy Array))` Point clouds indexed by nerve of the cover, see :mod:`permaviss.covers.cubical_cover` points_IN : :obj:`list(list(Numpy Array))` Point Identification Numbers (IN) indexed by nerve of the cover, see :mod:`permaviss.covers.cubical_cover` max_dim : int Maximum dimension of simplices. max_r : float Maximum persistence radius. no_pages : int Number of pages of the spectral sequence p : int(prime) The prime number so that our computations are mod p Attributes ---------- nerve, nerve_point_cloud, points_IN, max_dim, max_r, no_pages, p : as described above nerve_differentials : :obj:`list(Numpy Array)` Differentials of Nerve. Used for computing Cech Complex. no_rows, no_columns : int, int Number of rows and columns in each page nerve_differentials : :obj:`list(Numpy Array)` List storing the differentials of the Nerve. The ith entry stores the matrix of the ith differential. subcomplexes : :obj:`list(list(list(Numpy Array)))` List storing the simplicial complex on each cover element. For integers `n_dim`, `k` and `dim` the variable `subcomplexes[n_dim][k][dim]` stores the `dim`-simplices on the cover indexed by the `k` simplex of dimension `n_dim` in the nerve. zero_diff : :obj:`list(list(list(Numpy Array)))` List storing the vertical differential matrices on the 0 page of the spectral sequence. For integers `n_dim`, `k` and `dim` the variable `zero_diff[n_dim][k][dim]` stores the `dim` differential of the complex on the cover indexed by the `k` simplex of dimension `n_dim` in the nerve. cycle_dimensions : :obj:`list(list(list(int)))` List storing the number of bars on each local persistent homology. Given two integers `n_dim` and `dim`, the variable `cycle_dimensions[n_dim][dim]` contains a list where each entry corresponds to an `n_dim` simplex in the nerve. For each such entry, we store the number of nontrivial persistent homology classes of dimension `dim` in the corresponding cover. Hom : :obj:`list(...(list(barcode_basis)))` Homology for each page of the spectral sequence. Given three integers which we denote `n_dim`, `nerv_spx` and `deg` we have that `Hom[0][n_dim][nerv_spx][deg]` stores a :obj:`barcode_basis` with the `deg`-persistent homology of the covering indexed by `nerve[n_dim][nerv_spx]`. All these store the homology on the `0` page of the spectral sequence. Additionally, for integers `k > 0`, `n_dim` and `deg`, we store in `Hom[k][n_dim][deg]` the :obj:`barcode_basis` for the homology on the `(deg, n_dim)` entry in the `k` page of the spectral sequence. Im : :obj:`list(...(list(barcode_basis)))` Image for each page of the spectral sequence. Given three integers which we denote `n_dim`, `nerv_spx` and `deg` we have that `Im[0][n_dim][nerv_spx][deg]` stores a :obj:`barcode_basis` for the image of the `deg+1`-differential of the covering indexed by `nerve[n_dim][nerv_spx]`. All these store the images on the `0` page of the spectral sequence. Additionally, for integers `k > 0`, `n_dim` and `deg`, we store in `Im[k][n_dim][deg]` the :obj:`barcode_basis` for the image on the `(deg, n_dim)` entry in the `k` page of the spectral sequence. PreIm : :obj:`list(...(list(Numpy Array)))` Preimages for each page of the spectral sequence. Given three integers which we denote `n_dim`, `nerv_spx` and `deg` we have that `PreIm[0][n_dim][nerv_spx][deg]` stores a :obj:`Numpy Array` for the Preimage of the `deg+1`-differential of the covering indexed by `nerve[n_dim][nerv_spx]`. Additionally, for integers `k > 0`, `n_dim` and `deg`, we store in `PreIm[k][n_dim][deg]` a :obj:`Numpy Array` for the preimages of the differential images in the `(deg, n_dim)` entry in the `k` page of the spectral sequence. tot_complex_reps : :obj:`list(list(*))` The asterisc `*` on the type can be either [] or :obj:`list(Numpy Array)`. This is used for storing complex representatives for the cycles. page_dim_matrix : :obj:`Numpy Array(no_pages+1, max_dim, no_columns)` Array storing the dimensions of the entries in each page. Notice that the order in which we store columns and rows differs from all the previous attributes. persistent_homology : :obj:`list(barcode_basis)` List storing the persistent homology generated by the spectral sequence. The `i` entry contains the `i` dimensional persistent homology. order_diagonal_basis : `list` This intends to store the original order of `persistent_homology` before applying the standard order. extensions : :obj:`list(list(list(Numpy Array)))` Nested lists, where the first two indices are for the column and row. The last index indicates the corresponding extension matrix. Notes ----- The indexing on the 0 page is different from that of the next pages. This is because we do not want to store all the 0 page information on the same place. """ def __init__(self, nerve, nerve_point_cloud, points_IN, max_dim, max_r, no_pages, p): """Construction method """ # dimensions of spectral sequence self.no_pages = no_pages self.no_rows = max_dim self.no_columns = len(nerve) - 1 self.max_r = max_r self.p = p local_chains.p = p # add nerve_point_cloud to spectral_sequence info self.nerve_point_cloud = nerve_point_cloud # add points IN to support Cech Differential self.points_IN = points_IN # add nerve and compute nerve differentials self.nerve = nerve # count number of simplices in nerve self.nerve_spx_number = [] self.nerve_spx_number.append(self.nerve[0]) for nerve_simplices in nerve[1:self.no_columns]: self.nerve_spx_number.append(np.size(nerve_simplices, 0)) # end for self.nerve_spx_number self.nerve_differentials = complex_differentials(nerve, p) # list containing barcode bases for Hom, Im and PreIm # Hom and Im go through all pages, whereas # PreIm is only contained in the 0 page self.Hom = [[]] self.Im = [[]] self.PreIm = [[]] self.subcomplexes = [] self.zero_diff = [] self.cycle_dimensions = [] self.first_page_barcodes = [] # vectors that translate local indices to global self.tot_complex_reps = [] # higher page representatives self.Hom_reps = [[]] self.Im_reps = [[]] # store extension matrices self.extensions = [] for n_dim in range(len(nerve)): self.Hom[0].append([]) self.Im[0].append([]) self.PreIm[0].append([]) self.subcomplexes.append([]) self.zero_diff.append([]) self.cycle_dimensions.append([]) self.first_page_barcodes.append([]) self.tot_complex_reps.append([]) self.extensions.append([]) for deg in range(self.no_rows): self.first_page_barcodes[n_dim].append([]) self.tot_complex_reps[n_dim].append([]) self.extensions[n_dim].append([]) # make lists to store information in higher pages for k in range(1, no_pages): self.Hom.append([]) self.Im.append([]) self.PreIm.append([]) self.Hom_reps.append([]) self.Im_reps.append([]) for n_dim in range(self.no_columns): self.Hom[k].append([]) self.Im[k].append([]) self.PreIm[k].append([]) self.Hom_reps[k].append([[]]) self.Im_reps[k].append([[]]) for deg in range(self.no_rows): self.Hom[k][n_dim].append(barcode_basis([])) self.Im[k][n_dim].append([]) self.PreIm[k][n_dim].append([]) self.Hom_reps[k][n_dim].append([]) self.Im_reps[k][n_dim].append([]) # save space for dimension matrices for all pages # the order of variables is for printing the spectral sequence self.page_dim_matrix = np.zeros((no_pages+1, max_dim, self.no_columns)).astype(int) # define persistent homology and order of diagonal basis self.persistent_homology = [] self.order_diagonal_basis = [] ########################################################################### # add content to first page
[docs] def add_output_first(self, output, n_dim): """Stores the 0 page data of `n_dim` column after it has been computed in parallel by `multiprocessing.pool` Parameters ---------- output : :obj:`list` Result after using `multiprocessing.pool` on :meth:`..local_persistent_homology` n_dim : int Column of `0`-page whose data has been computed. """ self.subcomplexes[n_dim] = [it[0] for it in output] self.zero_diff[n_dim] = [it[1] for it in output] self.Hom[0][n_dim] = [it[2] for it in output] self.Im[0][n_dim] = [it[3] for it in output] self.PreIm[0][n_dim] = [it[4] for it in output] # check that the level of intersection is not empty. if len(self.Hom[0][n_dim]) > 0: for deg in range(self.no_rows): no_cycles = 0 # cumulative dimensions self.cycle_dimensions[n_dim].append( np.zeros(self.nerve_spx_number[n_dim]+1).astype(int)) for k in range(self.nerve_spx_number[n_dim]): # Generate page dim matrix and local_coordinates info cycles_in_cover = self.Hom[0][n_dim][k][deg].dim no_cycles += cycles_in_cover self.cycle_dimensions[n_dim][deg][k] = no_cycles # end for self.page_dim_matrix[1, deg, n_dim] = no_cycles # put together first page barcodes if no_cycles == 0: self.first_page_barcodes[n_dim][deg] = [] else: self.first_page_barcodes[n_dim][deg] = np.zeros(( no_cycles, 2)) prev = 0 for k in range(self.nerve_spx_number[n_dim]): # Generate page dim matrix and local_coordinates info next = self.cycle_dimensions[n_dim][deg][k] if prev < next: self.first_page_barcodes[n_dim][deg][ prev:next] = self.Hom[0][n_dim][k][deg].barcode # end if prev = next
# end for # end else # end for # end if ########################################################################### # self.first_differential(self, n_dim, deg):
[docs] def first_differential(self, n_dim, deg): """ Compute differential on first page (n_dim, deg) --> (n_dim-1, deg) Parameters ---------- n_dim, deg : int, int Differential domain position on first page. Returns ------- Betas : np.array Coefficients of image of first page differentials. The image of each class from (n_dim, deg) is given as a row. """ # handle trivial cases if self.page_dim_matrix[1, deg, n_dim] == 0: return np.array([]) # generate chains for sending to cech_diff_and_lift domain_chains = local_chains(self.nerve_spx_number[n_dim]) # compute array of initial radii R = np.zeros(self.page_dim_matrix[1, deg, n_dim]) # birth radii and localized_coordinates for classes prev = 0 for nerve_spx_index, next in enumerate( self.cycle_dimensions[n_dim][deg][:-1]): if prev < next: domain_chains.add_entry( nerve_spx_index, np.array(range(prev, next)), (self.Hom[0][n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg].coordinates).T) R[prev:next] = self.Hom[0][n_dim][nerve_spx_index][ deg].barcode[:, 0] prev = next # end for # call cech_diff_and_lift Betas, _ = self.cech_diff_and_lift(n_dim, deg, domain_chains, R) return Betas
########################################################################### # self.high_differential(self, n_dim, deg, current_page):
[docs] def high_differential(self, n_dim, deg, current_page): """ Compute differential on `current-page` (n_dim, deg) --> (n_dim - current_page, deg + current_page - 1). Parameters ---------- n_dim, deg : int, int Differential domain position. Returns ------- Betas : np.array Coefficients of image of current_page differentials. The image of each class from (n_dim, deg) is given as a row. """ # handle trivial case if self.Hom[current_page-1][n_dim][deg].dim == 0: return np.array([]) # take last total complex entry of Hom reps chains = self.Hom_reps[current_page-1][n_dim][deg][current_page-1] Hom_barcode = self.Hom[current_page-1][n_dim][deg].barcode # codomain position Sn_dim = n_dim - current_page Sdeg = deg + current_page - 1 # differential (n_dim, deg) --> (Sn_dim, Sdeg) Betas, _ = self.cech_diff_and_lift(Sn_dim + 1, Sdeg, chains, Hom_barcode[:, 0]) Betas, _ = self.lift_to_page(Sn_dim, Sdeg, current_page, Betas, Hom_barcode) return Betas
# end high_differential ########################################################################### # self.lift_to_page(self, n_dim, deg, page, chains):
[docs] def lift_to_page(self, n_dim, deg, target_page, Betas, Beta_barcode): """ Lifts chains in position (n_dim, deg) from page 1 to target_page Returns Betas and image coordinates. Parameters ---------- n_dim, deg : int, int Differential domain position. target_page : int Lift classes up to this page. Betas : np.array Coordinates of classes on first page. Betas_barcode : np.array Barcodes of classes to be lifted. Returns ------- Betas.T : np.array Coefficients of image of current_page differentials. The image of each class from (n_dim, deg) is given as a row. Gammas.T : np.array Coefficients of added differentials of (current_page - 1) page. This is such that the sum of differentials using Gammas, plus adding classes using target_betas leads to the original Betas. """ Betas = Betas.T # lift up to target_page for k in range(1, target_page): Im = self.Im[k][n_dim][deg] Hom = self.Hom[k][n_dim][deg] if Hom.dim > 0: if Im.dim > 0: Im_Hom = np.append(Im.coordinates, Hom.coordinates, axis=1) barcode_col = np.append(Im.barcode, Hom.barcode, axis=0) else: Im_Hom = Hom.coordinates barcode_col = Hom.barcode else: Betas = np.array([]) Gammas = np.array([]) break start_index = Im.dim + Hom.dim # add radii coordinates and radii barcode_col = np.append(barcode_col, Beta_barcode, axis=0) A = np.append(Im_Hom, Betas, axis=1) # barcodes of rows barcode_row = self.Hom[k][n_dim][deg].prev_basis.barcode # gaussian reduction on matrix between persistence modules # order here barcode_row rows_basis = barcode_basis(barcode_row) order = rows_basis.sort(send_order=True) # order row barcodes as well ordered_barcode_row = barcode_row[order] A = A[order] coefficients = gauss_barcodes( A, ordered_barcode_row, barcode_col, start_index, self.p) # next page coefficients Gammas = coefficients[:Im.dim] Betas = coefficients[Im.dim:] # end for return Betas.T, Gammas.T
# end lift_to_page ########################################################################### # self.cech_diff_and_lift
[docs] def cech_diff_and_lift(self, n_dim, deg, start_chains, R): """Given chains in position (n_dim, deg), computes horizontal differential followed by lift by vertical differential. Procedure: (1) take chains in position (n_dim, deg) (2) compute the Cech differential of these chains. We do this in parallel over the covers in (n_dim-1, deg) (3) Lift locally. Steps (2) and (3) are parallelized at the same time. Parameters ---------- n_dim, deg, current_page : int, int, int Postition on spectral sequence and current page. chains : :obj:`list(list(Numpy Array))` Returns ------- betas : coordinates on first pages [lift_references, lift_coordinates]: local coordinates lifted by vertical differential. """ # store space for coordinates in first page Betas_1_page = np.zeros(( len(R), self.page_dim_matrix[1, deg, n_dim-1] )) # store space for preimages lift_chains = local_chains(self.nerve_spx_number[n_dim-1]) if len(R) > 0: partial_cech_diff_and_lift_local = partial( self.cech_diff_and_lift_local, R, start_chains, n_dim - 1, deg) # map reduce local cech differential and lifts workers_pool = Pool() output = partial_cech_diff_and_lift_local, range(self.nerve_spx_number[n_dim-1])) workers_pool.close() # output = [] # for j in range(self.nerve_spx_number[n_dim-1]): # output.append(partial_cech_diff_and_lift_local(j)) prev = 0 # store results for nerve_spx_index, next in enumerate( self.cycle_dimensions[n_dim-1][deg][:-1]): if output[nerve_spx_index] is not None: Betas_1_page[:, prev:next] = output[nerve_spx_index][0] lift_chains.add_entry( nerve_spx_index, output[nerve_spx_index][1], output[nerve_spx_index][2]) prev = next # end for return Betas_1_page, lift_chains
# end cech_diff_and_lift ########################################################################### # self.cech_diff
[docs] def cech_diff(self, n_dim, deg, start_chains): """ Given chains in (n_dim + 1, deg), compute Cech differential. Parameters ---------- n_dim, deg: int, int Codomain position in spectral sequence. chains : :class:`local_chains` object Chains on (n_dim+1, deg) that are stored as references in chains[0] and local coordinates as rows in chains[1]. Returns ------- image_chains : :obj:`Local Coordinates` Image coordinates of Cech differential. """ image_chains = local_chains(self.nerve_spx_number[n_dim]) # CECH DIFFERENTIAL for nerve_spx_index in range(self.nerve_spx_number[n_dim]): loc_im_ref, loc_im_coord = self.cech_diff_local( start_chains, n_dim, deg, nerve_spx_index) image_chains.add_entry(nerve_spx_index, loc_im_ref, loc_im_coord) # end for return image_chains
####################################################################### # Cech chain plus lift of preimage
[docs] def cech_diff_and_lift_local( self, R, start_chains, n_dim, deg, nerve_spx_index): """ Takes some chains in position (n_dim+1, deg) and computes Cech diff followed by a lift by vertical differential. This is done locally at cover information in (n_dim, deg). This method is meant to be run in parallel. Parameters ---------- R : :obj:`list` Vector of radii start_chains : :class:`local_chains` object Chains in position (n_dim + 1, deg) n_dim, deg, nerve_spx_index : int, int, int Position in spectral sequence and local index. Returns ------- betas_1_page : :obj:`Numpy Array` Coefficients of lift to 1st page on position (n_dim, deg) local_lift_references : :obj:`list` List of local references of lift. local_lift_coordinates : :obj:`Numpy Array` Local coordinates of lift. """ # if nerve_spx_index==0, then prev=0 prev = self.cycle_dimensions[n_dim][deg][nerve_spx_index-1] next = self.cycle_dimensions[n_dim][deg][nerve_spx_index] # if trivial cover skip if prev == next: return # CECH DIFFERENTIAL generators, local_chains = self.cech_diff_local( start_chains, n_dim, deg, nerve_spx_index) # if there are no images to compute, return if len(generators) == 0: return # LOCAL LIFT TO FIRST PAGE gammas, betas = self.first_page_local_lift( n_dim, deg, local_chains, R[generators], nerve_spx_index) # store first page coefficients betas_1_page = np.zeros((len(R), next - prev)) betas_1_page[generators] = np.transpose(betas) # compute vertical preimage and store preimages = np.matmul(self.PreIm[0][n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg+1], gammas).T # look for indices of nonzero columns nonzero_idx = np.where(gammas.any(axis=0))[0] if len(nonzero_idx) > 0: local_lift_ref = generators[nonzero_idx] # correct sign local_lift_coord = -preimages[nonzero_idx] % self.p else: local_lift_ref, local_lift_coord = [], [] # end if else return betas_1_page, local_lift_ref, local_lift_coord
# end cech_diff_and_lift_local ########################################################################### # self.cech_diff_local
[docs] def cech_diff_local( self, start_chains, n_dim, deg, nerve_spx_index): """ Local Cech differential, starting from chains in (n_dim + 1, deg). Parameters ---------- start_chains : :class:`local_chains` object Chains to compute Cech differential from. n_dim, deg, nerve_spx_index : int, int, int Position in spectral sequence and local index. Returns ------- local_image_ref : :obj:`list` List of local references of image. local_image_coord.T : :obj:`Numpy Array` Local coordinates of image. Expressions correspond to rows while local simplices correspond to columns. """ coboundary = self.nerve_differentials[n_dim + 1][nerve_spx_index] # cofaces and coefficients on cech differential cofaces = np.nonzero(coboundary)[0] coefficients = coboundary[cofaces] # indices of generators that are nontrivial by cech diff generators = start_chains.ref[cofaces[0]] for coface_index in cofaces[1:]: generators = np.append(generators, start_chains.ref[ coface_index]).astype(int) # end for local_image_ref = np.unique(generators) # if there are no images to compute, return if len(local_image_ref) == 0: return [], [] # size of local complex if deg == 0: cpx_size = self.subcomplexes[n_dim][nerve_spx_index][0] else: cpx_size = len(self.subcomplexes[n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg]) local_image_coord = np.zeros((cpx_size, len(local_image_ref))) # IMAGE OF CECH DIFFERENTIAL ############################# for coface_index, nerve_coeff in zip(cofaces, coefficients): # check that there are some local coordinates if len(start_chains.ref[coface_index]) > 0: # generate boundary matrix cech_local = self.local_cech_matrix( n_dim+1, deg, coface_index, nerve_spx_index, nerve_coeff) active_generators = np.where(np.in1d( local_image_ref, start_chains.ref[coface_index]) )[0] # image of cech complex local_image_coord[:, active_generators] += np.matmul( cech_local, start_chains.coord[coface_index].T ) # end if # end for local_image_coord %= self.p return local_image_ref, local_image_coord.T
########################################################################### # local boundary matrix
[docs] def local_cech_matrix(self, n_dim, deg, nerve_spx_index, nerve_face_index, nerve_coeff): """Returns matrix of Cech differential in (n_dim, deg) restricted on component (nerve_face_index, nerve_spx_index). Parameters ---------- n_dim, deg: int, int Position in spectral sequence. nerve_spx_index, nerve_face_index : int, int Local indices in domain and codomain respectively. nerve_coeff : int Coefficient in nerve differential determined by the pair nerve_spx_index and nerve_face_index. Returns ------- boundary : :obj:`Numpy Array` Matrix of size (subcpx[n_dim-1][nerve_face_index][deg], subcpx[n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg]) that represents the local cech differential. """ deg_sign = (-1)**deg if deg == 0: # save space for boundary matrix boundary = np.zeros(( self.subcomplexes[n_dim-1][nerve_face_index][deg], self.subcomplexes[n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg])) # inclusions for points for point_idx in range( self.subcomplexes[n_dim][nerve_spx_index][0]): face_point_idx = np.argmax(self.points_IN[ n_dim-1][nerve_face_index] == self.points_IN[n_dim][ nerve_spx_index][point_idx]) boundary[face_point_idx, point_idx] = nerve_coeff * deg_sign boundary[face_point_idx, point_idx] %= self.p # end for else: # save space for boundary matrix boundary = np.zeros(( len(self.subcomplexes[n_dim-1][nerve_face_index][deg]), len(self.subcomplexes[n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg]))) # inclusions for edges, 2-simplices and higher # Iterate over nontrivial local simplices in domain for spx_index, simplex in enumerate( self.subcomplexes[n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg]): # Obtain IN for vertices of simplex vertices_spx = self.points_IN[n_dim][nerve_spx_index][simplex] for im_index, im_spx in enumerate( self.subcomplexes[n_dim-1][ nerve_face_index][deg]): vertices_face = self.points_IN[n_dim-1][ nerve_face_index][im_spx.astype(int)] # When the vertices coincide, break the loop if len(np.intersect1d( vertices_spx, vertices_face)) == deg + 1: boundary[im_index, spx_index] = nerve_coeff * deg_sign boundary[im_index, spx_index] %= self.p break # end if # end for # end for # end else return boundary
# end local_cech_matrix ########################################################################### # self.first_page_local_lift
[docs] def first_page_local_lift( self, n_dim, deg, local_coord, lift_radii, nerve_spx_index): """ Lift to first page on a given open cover. Parameters ---------- n_dim, deg : int, int Position on spectral sequence. local_coord : :obj:`Numpy Array` Local coordinates to be lifted to first page and vertical differential. Rows are expressions while columns correspond to local simplices. lift_radi : :obj:`list` Values at which we want to lift `start_chains` by the vertical differential. nerve_spx_inex : int Local index. This function is meant to be parallelized over this. Returns ------- gammas : :obj:`Numpy Array` 2D Matrix expressing coefficients of lift. Each expression corresponds to a column, while image generators correspond to rows. betas : :obj:`Numpy Array` 2D Matrix expressing coefficients in terms of homology classes on page 1. Expressions correspond to columns, while homology classes correspond to rows. """ # take care of case when local_coord is a `local_chains` object if isinstance(local_coord, local_chains): lift_radii = lift_radii[local_coord.ref[nerve_spx_index]] local_coord = local_coord.coord[nerve_spx_index] # return if nothing to lift if len(lift_radii) == 0: return [], [] # R_M : vector of birth radii of columns in M # distinguish from trivial case where images are zero if self.Im[0][n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg].dim > 0 and self.Hom[0][ n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg].dim > 0: Im_Hom = np.append( self.Im[0][n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg].coordinates, self.Hom[0][n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg].coordinates, axis=1) R_M = self.Im[0][n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg].barcode[:, 0] R_M = np.concatenate([ R_M, self.Hom[0][n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg].barcode[:, 0]], axis=None) elif self.Hom[0][n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg].dim > 0: Im_Hom = self.Hom[0][n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg].coordinates R_M = self.Hom[0][n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg].barcode[:, 0] elif self.Im[0][n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg].dim > 0: Im_Hom = self.Im[0][n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg].coordinates R_M = self.Im[0][n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg].barcode[:, 0] else: return [], [] R_M = np.concatenate([R_M, lift_radii], axis=None) start_index = np.size(Im_Hom, 1) # Gaussian elimination of M = (Im | Hom | start_chains (local)) M = np.append(Im_Hom, local_coord.T, axis=1) _, T = gauss_col_rad(M, R_M, start_index, self.p) # look at reductions on generators and correct sign T = -T[:, start_index:] % self.p gammas = T[0:self.Im[0][n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg].dim] betas = T[self.Im[0][n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg].dim:start_index] # return preimage coordinates and beta coordinates return gammas, betas
# end first_page_local_lift ########################################################################### # self.first_page_lift
[docs] def first_page_lift(self, n_dim, deg, start_chains, R): """Given some chains in position (n_dim, deg), lift to first page accross several covers. Parameters ---------- n_dim, deg, current_page : int, int, int Postition on spectral sequence and current page. start_chains : :class:`local_chains` object Chains in position (n_dim, deg) that we lift to first page. R : :obj:`list` Values at which we lift `start_chains` Returns ------- Betas_1_page : :obj:`Numpy Array` Coordinates on first page. Rows correspond to expressions and columns to homology classes. lift_chains : :class:`local_coord` object Chains after lifting vertically by horizontal differential. """ # store space for preimages lift_chains = local_chains(self.nerve_spx_number[n_dim]) # coordinates in first page Betas_1_page = np.zeros(( len(R), self.page_dim_matrix[1, deg, n_dim])) # return if trivial if len(R) == 0: return Betas_1_page, lift_chains # compute vertical lifts in parallel partial_first_page_local_lift = partial( self.first_page_local_lift, n_dim, deg, start_chains, R) workers_pool = Pool() output = partial_first_page_local_lift, range(self.nerve_spx_number[n_dim])) workers_pool.close() # proceed to store the result prev = 0 for nerve_spx_index, next in enumerate( self.cycle_dimensions[n_dim][deg][:-1]): gammas, betas = output[nerve_spx_index] # save betas if len(betas) > 0: Betas_aux = np.zeros((len(R), next-prev)) Betas_aux[start_chains.ref[nerve_spx_index]] = betas.T Betas_1_page[:, prev:next] = Betas_aux # save lifts if len(gammas) > 0: lift_chains.add_entry( nerve_spx_index, start_chains.ref[nerve_spx_index], (np.matmul(self.PreIm[ 0][n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg+1], gammas)).T) # end if prev = next # end for return Betas_1_page, lift_chains
########################################################################### # add higher page contents
[docs] def add_output_higher(self, Hom, Im, PreIm, end_n_dim, end_deg, current_page): """Stores higher page data that has been computed along a sequence of consecutive differentials. The studied sequence of differentials ends in `(end_n_dim, end_deg)` coming from `(end_n_dim + current_page, end_deg - current_page + 1)` and continuing until reaching an integer `r > 0` such that either end_n_dim + r * current_page > self.no_columns or end_deg - r * current_page + 1 > 0 Parameters ---------- Hom : :obj:`list(barcode_basis)` Homology of a sequence of differentials in the spectral sequence. This is computed using :mod:`permaviss.persistence_algebra.module_persistence_homology`. Im : :obj:`list(barcode_basis)` Images of a sequence of differentials in the spectral sequence. PreIm : :obj:`list(Numpy Array)` Preimages of a sequence of differentials in the spectral sequence. end_n_dim : int Integer specifying the column position where the sequence of differentials ends. end_deg : int Integer specifying the row position where the sequence of differentials ends. current_page : int Current page of the spectral sequence. """ n_dim = end_n_dim deg = end_deg for i, h in enumerate(Hom): self.PreIm[current_page][n_dim][deg] = PreIm[i] self.Hom[current_page][n_dim][deg] = h self.page_dim_matrix[current_page+1, deg, n_dim] = h.dim self.Im[current_page][n_dim][deg] = Im[i] deg = deg - current_page + 1 n_dim += current_page
########################################################################### # compute_two_page_representatives
[docs] def compute_two_page_representatives(self, n_dim, deg): """ Computes total complex representatives for second page classes in position (n_dim, deg). Resulting representatives are written in self.Hom_reps[1][n_dim][deg] Parameters ---------- n_dim, deg : int, int These specify the position on the spectral sequence where we want to compute and store the second page representatives. """ # return if nothing to compute if self.Hom[1][n_dim][deg].dim == 0: return coordinates_hom = self.Hom[1][n_dim][deg].coordinates rep_chains = [local_chains(self.nerve_spx_number[n_dim])] prev = 0 # localized_format for first page info for nerv_idx, next in enumerate(self.cycle_dimensions[ n_dim][deg][:-1]): if prev < next: rep_chains[0].add_entry( nerv_idx, range(self.Hom[1][n_dim][deg].dim), np.matmul(self.Hom[0][n_dim][ nerv_idx][deg].coordinates, coordinates_hom[prev:next] ).T) # end if prev = next # end for # add extra entries when possible if n_dim > 0: # birth values classes R = self.Hom[1][n_dim][deg].barcode[:, 0] # cech_diff_and_lift betas, lift = self.cech_diff_and_lift(n_dim, deg, rep_chains[0], R) if np.any(betas): raise(ValueError) # vertical lift written on total_complex_reps rep_chains.append(lift) # end if # store on allocated space for second page representatives self.Hom_reps[1][n_dim][deg] = rep_chains
# end def ########################################################################### # compute_higher_representatives
[docs] def compute_higher_representatives(self, n_dim, deg, current_page): """ Computes total complex representatives for current_page classes in position (n_dim, deg). Resulting representatives written in `self.Hom_reps[current_page][n_dim][deg]` Parameters ---------- n_dim, deg, current_page : int, int, int Position on the spectral sequence and current page. """ # handle trivial cases if self.Hom[current_page][n_dim][deg].dim == 0: self.Hom_reps[current_page][n_dim][deg] = [] return # lift image to page hom_barcode = self.Hom[current_page][n_dim][deg].barcode hom_sums = (self.Hom[current_page][n_dim][deg].coordinates).T # create total complex reps up to last entry by using coefficients and # total complex representatives on previous page total_complex_reps = [] # compute for chains in self.Hom_reps[current_page - 1][n_dim][deg]: total_complex_reps.append(local_chains.sums(chains, hom_sums)) # end for # (n_dim, deg) --> (Sn_dim, Sdeg) Sn_dim = n_dim - current_page Sdeg = deg + current_page - 1 # if differential is trivial, no need to compute cech differential if Sn_dim < 0: self.Hom_reps[current_page][n_dim][deg] = total_complex_reps return for target_page in range(current_page, 1, -1): Betas, _ = self.cech_diff_and_lift( Sn_dim + 1, Sdeg, total_complex_reps[-1], hom_barcode[:, 0]) # go up to target_page and modify total_complex_reps Betas, Gammas = self.lift_to_page( Sn_dim, Sdeg, target_page, Betas, hom_barcode) # modify reps # from im_coord obtain total cpx chains Tn_dim = Sn_dim + target_page - 1 Tdeg = Sdeg - target_page + 2 preimage_reps = [] # obtain preimage_coefficients from expressions in -Gammas preimage_coefficients = np.matmul( self.PreIm[target_page - 1][Tn_dim][Tdeg], -Gammas.T ) # case of target_page is special due to local coordinates if np.any(Gammas) and target_page == 2: prev = 0 for spx_idx, next in enumerate( self.cycle_dimensions[Sn_dim + 1][Sdeg]): if prev < next: local_preimage = (np.matmul( self.Hom[0][Sn_dim + 1][spx_idx][Sdeg].coordinates, preimage_coefficients[prev:next])).T # if non empby, add if len(total_complex_reps[-1].ref[spx_idx]) > 0: total_complex_reps[-1].coord[ spx_idx] += local_preimage else: total_complex_reps[-1].add_entry( spx_idx, range(np.size(local_preimage, 0)), local_preimage) prev = next # end for elif np.any(Gammas): for chains in self.Hom_reps[target_page][Tn_dim][Tdeg]: preimage_reps.append(local_chains.sums( chains, preimage_coefficients)) # add preimage reps to current tot_complex reps for idx, chains in enumerate(preimage_reps): total_complex_reps[ current_page - target_page + 1 + idx] += chains # end for # end elif # end for Betas, lift = self.cech_diff_and_lift( Sn_dim + 1, Sdeg, total_complex_reps[-1], hom_barcode[:, 0]) # check that there are no problems if np.any(Betas): raise RuntimeError # add vertical lift to reps total_complex_reps.append(lift) # store modified total complex reps self.Hom_reps[current_page][n_dim][deg] = total_complex_reps
# end compute_total_representatives ########################################################################### # extension
[docs] def extension(self, start_n_dim, start_deg): """ Take information from spectral sequence class, and calculate extension coefficients for a given position (start_deg, start_n_dim). """ death_radii = self.Hom[self.no_pages-1][start_n_dim][ start_deg].barcode[:, 1] Hom_reps = local_chains.copy_seq( self.Hom_reps[self.no_pages - 1][start_n_dim][start_deg]) # bars for extension problem of infty page classes barcode_extension = np.ones((len(death_radii), 2)) barcode_extension[:, 0] = death_radii barcode_extension[:, 1] *= self.max_r # if death_radii is equal to max_r, no need to compute ext coefficients ext_bool = death_radii < self.max_r # initialize extension matrices as zero matrices Sdeg = start_deg Sn_dim = start_n_dim for chains in Hom_reps: self.extensions[start_n_dim][start_deg].append(np.zeros(( self.Hom[self.no_pages-1][Sn_dim][Sdeg].dim, len(death_radii)))) Sdeg += 1 Sn_dim -= 1 # end for # if there are no extension coefficients to compute, return if not np.any(ext_bool): return # zero out representatives not in ext_bool for chains in Hom_reps: for k, local_ref in enumerate(chains.ref): if len(local_ref) > 0 and np.any( np.invert(ext_bool[local_ref])): chains.coord[k][np.invert(ext_bool[local_ref])] *= 0 # end if # end for # end for # COMPUTE EXTENSION COEFFICIENTS # go through all diagonal Sdeg = start_deg Sn_dim = start_n_dim for idx, chains in enumerate(Hom_reps): # lift to infinity page and substract betas Betas, _ = self.first_page_lift(Sn_dim, Sdeg, chains, death_radii) # go up to target_page Betas, _ = self.lift_to_page(Sn_dim, Sdeg, self.no_pages, Betas, barcode_extension) # STORE EXTENSION COEFFICIENTS self.extensions[start_n_dim][start_deg][idx] = Betas.T # MODIFY TOTAL COMPLEX REPS using BETAS if np.any(Betas): for ext_deg, Schains in enumerate( self.Hom_reps[self.no_pages - 1][Sn_dim][Sdeg]): # compute chains using betas and substract to reps # problem with local sums!!! local_chains_beta = local_chains.sums(Schains, -Betas) for k, local_coord in enumerate( Hom_reps[ext_deg + idx].coord): local_ref = Hom_reps[ext_deg + idx].ref[k] Hom_reps[ext_deg + idx].coord[k] = ( local_coord + local_chains_beta.coord[k]) % self.p # end for # end for # end if # reduce up to 1st page using gammas for target_page in range(self.no_pages, 1, -1): # get coefficients on first page Betas, _ = self.first_page_lift(Sn_dim, Sdeg, chains, death_radii) # go up to target_page Betas, Gammas = self.lift_to_page( Sn_dim, Sdeg, target_page, Betas, barcode_extension) # if lift target_page is nonzero, raise an error if np.any(Betas): raise(RuntimeError) # MODIFY TOTAL COMPLEX REPS using GAMMAS if np.any(Gammas): # compute coefficients of Gammas in 1st page image_classes = np.matmul( self.Im[target_page-1][Sn_dim][Sdeg].coordinates, -Gammas.T) # look for bars that might be already zero if target_page == 2: # obtain coefficients for gammas image_chains = local_chains( self.nerve_spx_number[Sn_dim]) prev = 0 for nerv_idx, next in enumerate(self.cycle_dimensions[ Sn_dim][Sdeg]): if prev < next: image_chains.add_entry( nerv_idx, range(np.size(Gammas, 0)), np.matmul( image_classes[prev:next].T, self.Hom[0][Sn_dim][nerv_idx][ Sdeg].coordinates.T) ) prev = next # end for else: image_chains = local_chains.sums( self.Hom_reps[target_page-2][Sn_dim][Sdeg][0], image_classes.T ) # end else chains += image_chains # end if # end for # lift to first page Betas, lift_coord = self.first_page_lift(Sn_dim, Sdeg, chains, death_radii) # correct sign of lift_coord and trivialise references lift_coord.minus() # end for # if lift to first page is nonzero, raise an error if np.any(Betas): raise(RuntimeError) if Sn_dim > 0: # compute Cech differential of lift_coord # and add to current reps image_chains = self.cech_diff(Sn_dim - 1, Sdeg + 1, lift_coord) Hom_reps[idx+1] = Hom_reps[idx + 1] + image_chains lift_aux, _ = self.first_page_lift( Sn_dim - 1, Sdeg + 1, Hom_reps[idx+1], death_radii) # advance reduction position Sdeg += 1 Sn_dim -= 1
# end for # end def # end spectral_sequence class #################################################