Source code for permaviss.persistence_algebra.image_kernel


    This module implements a function which computes bases for the image and
    kernel of morphisms between persistence modules.
import numpy as np

from .barcode_bases import barcode_basis

from ..gauss_mod_p.gauss_mod_p import gauss_col, index_pivot
from ..gauss_mod_p.functions import multiply_mod_p

# Find barcode generators for image and kernel of a persistence morphism.

[docs]def image_kernel(A, B, F, p, start_index=0, prev_basis=None): """ This computes basis for the image and kernel of a persistence morphism. f: A --> B This is the algorithm described in Recall that for such an algorithm to work the `A` and `B` must be ordered. This is why the function first orders the barcode generators from start_index until A.dim. Additionally, it also orders the barcodes from B. By 'ordered' we mean that the barcodes are sorted according to the standard order of barcodes. It can also compute relative barcode bases for the image. This is used when computing quotients. The optional argument start_index indicates the minimum index from which we want to compute barcodes relative to the previous generators. That is, given start_index, the function will return image barcodes for <F[start_dim, ..., A.dim]> mod <F[0,1,..., start_dim-1]>. At the end the bases for the image and kernel are returned in terms of the original ordering. Additionally, this handles the case for when B is a broken barcode basis. Notice that in such a case, only the barcode basis of the image will be computed Parameters ---------- A : :class:`barcode_basis` object Basis of domain. B : :class:`barcode_basis` object Basis of range. This can be a `broken` barcode basis. F : Numpy Array (`B`.dim, `A`.dim) Matrix associated to the considered persistence morphism. p : int prime number of finite field. start_index : int, default is 0 Index from which we get a barcode basis for the image. prev_basis : int, default is None If `start_index` > 0, we need to also give a reference to a basis of barcodes from A[start_dim] until A[A.dim]. Returns ------- Ker : :class:`barcode_basis` object Absolute/relative basis of kernel of f. Im : :class:`barcode_basis` object Absolute/relative basis of image of f. PreIm : Numpy Array (A.dim, Im.dim) Absolute/relative preimage coordinates of f. That is, each column stores the sums that generate the corresponding Image barcode. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from permaviss.persistence_algebra.barcode_bases import ... barcode_basis >>> A = barcode_basis([[1,8],[1,5],[2,5], [4,8]]) >>> B = barcode_basis([[-1,3],[0,4],[0,3.5],[2,5],[2,4],[3,8]]) >>> F = np.array([[4,1,1,0],[1,4,1,0],[1,1,4,0],[0,0,1,4],[0,0,4,1], ... [0,0,0,1]]) >>> p = 5 >>> Im, Ker, PreIm = image_kernel(A,B,F,p) >>> print(Im) Barcode basis [[ 1. 4. ] [ 1. 3.5] [ 2. 5. ] [ 4. 8. ]] [[ 4. 0. 1. 0.] [ 1. 0. 1. 0.] [ 1. 2. 4. 0.] [ 0. 0. 1. 4.] [ 0. 0. 4. 1.] [ 0. 0. 0. 1.]] >>> print(Ker) Barcode basis [[ 3.5 8. ] [ 4. 5. ]] [[ 1. 0.] [ 1. 4.] [ 0. 0.] [ 0. 0.]] >>> print(PreIm) [[ 1. 1. 0. 0.] [ 0. 1. 0. 0.] [ 0. 0. 1. 0.] [ 0. 0. 0. 1.]] Note ---- This algorithm will only work if the matrix of the persistence morphism is well defined. That is, a generator can only map to generators that have been born and have not yet died. """ # Throw ValueError if dimensions of A, B and F do not fit if B.dim != np.size(F, 0) or A.dim != np.size(F, 1): print("Dimensions of bases and differential do not fit") print("A:{}".format(A.dim)) print("B:{}".format(B.dim)) print("F:{}".format(F)) raise ValueError # If the basis B is not ordered, we order it B_origin = B return_order_B = range(B.dim) if not B.sorted: B = barcode_basis(B.barcode) order = B.sort(send_order=True) F = np.copy(F[order]) return_order_B = np.argsort(order) # Order A from start_index until A.dim A_origin = A return_order_A = range(A.dim) if not A.sorted: A_rel = barcode_basis(A.barcode[start_index:]) order = A_rel.sort(send_order=True) shifted_order = order + start_index shifted_order = np.append(range(start_index), shifted_order, axis=0).astype(int) return_order_A = np.argsort(order) F = np.copy(F[:, shifted_order]) A = barcode_basis(np.append(A.barcode[:start_index], A_rel.barcode, axis=0)) # Get sorted radii where changes happen a = np.sort(np.unique(np.append(A.changes_list(), B.changes_list()))) rel_A_dim = A.dim - start_index # Save space for Im barcode and coordinates Im_barcode = np.concatenate( ([A.barcode[start_index:, 0]], [np.zeros(rel_A_dim)]), axis=0).T Im_rel_coordinates = np.copy(F[:, start_index:]) # Save space for Ker barcode and coordinates Ker_barcode = np.zeros((rel_A_dim, 2)) Ker_coordinates = np.zeros((rel_A_dim, rel_A_dim)) kernel_dim = 0 # Save space for preimage PreIm = np.identity(rel_A_dim) # Tracking variables for deaths of image and kernel barcodes # These store indices from 0 to rel_A_dim dead_images = [] dead_kernels = [] # Initialize a copy of F which will be changing as we iterate over a Im_coordinates = np.copy(F) # Go through all radius where a change happens for i, rad in enumerate(a): if B.broken_basis: Im_coordinates = B.update_broken(Im_coordinates, rad) # Update I0 from submatrix of Im I0 = Im_coordinates[][:,] # Get the active indices in A and the relative active indices in A active_indices = active_rel_indices =, start=start_index) # Take care of special case when I0 = [] if len(I0) == 0: # Find active domain elements that have not died yet active_not_dead = np.setdiff1d(active_rel_indices, dead_images) for j in active_not_dead: Im_barcode[j, 1] = rad Ker_barcode[kernel_dim, 0] = rad Ker_coordinates[j, kernel_dim] = 1 kernel_dim += 1 dead_images.append(j) # end for # end if # Find dying domain generators whose image has not died yet dying_generators = A.death(rad, start=start_index) alive_dying = np.setdiff1d(dying_generators, dead_images) # Set the death radius for the image barcodes for j in alive_dying: Im_barcode[j, 1] = rad dead_images.append(j) # end for if kernel_dim > 0 and not B.broken_basis: # Update K0 from submatrix of Ker K0 = Ker_coordinates[:, :kernel_dim] K0 = K0[active_rel_indices] if len(K0) == 0: dying_kernels = np.setdiff1d(range(kernel_dim), dead_kernels) for j in dying_kernels: dead_kernels.append(j) Ker_barcode[j, 1] = rad # end for # end if else: # Reduce K0 by column additions K0, Q0 = gauss_col(K0, p) # Perform the same reductions on Ker, if Q0 is not empty if np.any(Q0): Ker_coordinates[:, :kernel_dim] = multiply_mod_p( Ker_coordinates[:, :kernel_dim], Q0, p) # Compute the start_index of active barcodes start_index_active = len(active_indices) - len( active_rel_indices) # Look at K0, eliminating linear dependencies and killing # barcodes on image. for j, c in enumerate(K0.T): # Find pivot in terms of whole basis A, keep also the # active pivot. active_pivot = index_pivot(c) piv = active_rel_indices[active_pivot] # If the pivot is new and the column is nonzero if (piv not in dead_images) and (active_pivot > -1): # Add new coordinates to Image, set barcode endpoint, # store preimage. A_rel_coord = A.trans_active_coord( c, rad, start=start_index) image_A_rel = multiply_mod_p( F[:, start_index:], np.transpose([A_rel_coord]), p)[:, 0] Im_rel_coordinates[:, piv] = image_A_rel Im_coordinates[ :, start_index + piv] = np.copy(image_A_rel) Im_barcode[piv, 1] = rad PreIm[:, piv] = A_rel_coord # Set corresponding column in I0 to zero and add piv # to dead images I0[ :, active_pivot + start_index_active ] = np.zeros(np.size(I0, 0)) dead_images.append(piv) # end if # If a barcode is dying in the kernel, add death radius # to Ker_barcode if (active_pivot == -1) and (j not in dead_kernels): dead_kernels.append(j) Ker_barcode[j, 1] = rad # end if # end for # end else # end if # Reduce I0, adding new generators to the kernel and adjusting # Im_rel_coordinates. if I0.size > 0: I0, T0 = gauss_col(I0, p) # Adapt T0 to the whole basis A Q0 = np.zeros((A.dim, np.size(T0, 1))) Q0[active_indices] = T0 Q = np.identity(A.dim) Q[:, active_indices] = Q0 # Perform same additions in Im_coordinates Im_coordinates = multiply_mod_p(Im_coordinates, Q, p) # Then, adapt Q to the relative basis of A Q = Q[start_index:, start_index:] # Then perform the additions in PreIm and Im PreIm = multiply_mod_p(PreIm, Q, p) Im_rel_coordinates = multiply_mod_p(Im_rel_coordinates, Q, p) # Now, we check for 0 columns in I0, iterating over # active_indices >= start_index. rel_I0_T = I0.T[active_indices >= start_index] start_kernel_dim = kernel_dim for j, c in enumerate(rel_I0_T): piv = active_rel_indices[j] if (not np.any(c)) and (piv not in dead_images): Ker_coordinates[:, kernel_dim] = PreIm[:, piv] Ker_barcode[kernel_dim, 0] = rad kernel_dim += 1 Im_barcode[piv, 1] = rad dead_images.append(piv) # end if # end for # Reduce new additions to kernel if (kernel_dim > start_kernel_dim) and not B.broken_basis: # Update K0 from submatrix of Ker K0 = Ker_coordinates[:, :kernel_dim] K0 = K0[active_rel_indices] # Reduce K0 by column additions K0, Q0 = gauss_col(K0, p) # Perform the same reductions on Ker, if Q0 is not empty if np.any(Q0): Ker_coordinates[ :, :kernel_dim ] = multiply_mod_p(Ker_coordinates[:, :kernel_dim], Q0, p) # Look at K0, eliminating linear dependencies for j, c in enumerate(K0.T): if (index_pivot(c) == -1) and (j not in dead_kernels): dead_kernels.append(j) Ker_barcode[j, 1] = rad # end if # end for # end if # end if # Go to next radius in a # end for # Store the barcode endpoints for the image and kernel generators that are # still alive. for j in range(rel_A_dim): if j not in dead_images: Im_barcode[j, 1] = a[-1] # end if # end for for j in range(kernel_dim): if j not in dead_kernels: Ker_barcode[j, 1] = a[-1] # end if # end for # Return to normal order in B Im_rel_coordinates = Im_rel_coordinates[return_order_B] # Return to normal order in A PreIm = PreIm[return_order_A] Ker_coordinates = Ker_coordinates[return_order_A] # Create barcode basis for image, and adjust PreIm according to well # defined barcodes. Im_basis = barcode_basis(Im_barcode, B_origin, Im_rel_coordinates, store_well_defined=True) PreIm = PreIm[:, Im_basis.well_defined] # Order Im and store the order in PreIm order = Im_basis.sort(send_order=True) PreIm = PreIm[:, order] # If the basis of B is broken, return Im_basis if B.broken_basis: return Im_basis # Create a barcode basis for the kernel and sort it. if start_index > 0: Ker_basis = barcode_basis(Ker_barcode[:kernel_dim], prev_basis, Ker_coordinates[:, :kernel_dim]) else: Ker_basis = barcode_basis(Ker_barcode[:kernel_dim], A_origin, Ker_coordinates[:, :kernel_dim]) Ker_basis.sort() return Im_basis, Ker_basis, PreIm