Source code for permaviss.persistence_algebra.barcode_bases


import numpy as np

[docs]class barcode_basis(object): """This class implements barcode bases. Associated bars and coordinates are given for some barcode base. Each coordinate is stored in a column, whereas bars are stored on rows. This generates a barcode basis with all the input data. There is the exception of broken barcode bases, which come up when solving the extension problem. Note ---- Barcode bases are assumed to be well defined in the sense that: 1)They are linearly independent with respect to boxplus operation 2)They generate the respective module or submodule. Parameters ---------- bars : :obj:`Numpy Array (dim, 2)` Each entry is a pair specifying birth and death radius of a bar. prev_basis : reference to a previously defined :class:`barcode_basis`. This will be the basis in which the coordinates are given. coordinates : :obj:`Numpy Array (dim, prev_basis.dim)` Cooridnates of this basis in terms of `prev_basis` store_well_defined : bool, default is `False` Whether we want to store the indices of well defined bars. That is, whether we wish to store indices of bars where the birth radius is strictly smaller than the death radius. broken_basis : bool, default is `False` Whether the barcode basis is `broken`. This appears when solving the extension problem. A barcode base is `broken` if it is not natural. broken_differentials : :obj:`Numpy Array (dim, dim)` Matrix of broken differentials. These give coefficients of a barcode generator in term of other generators. This is used when the given generator dies, and we write it in terms of other generators that are still alive. Returns ------- :obj:`barcode_basis` Raises ------ ValueError If `prev_coord.dim` is different to the number of rows in `coordinates` ValueError If the number of rows in `bar` is different to the number of columns in `coordinates`. ValueError If `broken_basis = True` but `broken_differentials` is not given. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> bars = np.array([[0,2],[0,1],[2,3],[2,2]]) >>> base1 = barcode_basis(bars, store_well_defined=True) >>> base1.dim 3 >>> base1.well_defined array([ True, True, True, False], dtype=bool) >>> print(base1) Barcode basis [[0 2] [0 1] [2 3]] >>> bars = np.array([[0,2],[2,3]]) >>> coordinates = np.array([[1,0], ... [1,0], ... [0,2]]) >>> base2 = barcode_basis(bars, prev_basis, coordinates) >>> base2.dim 2 >>> print(base2) Barcode basis [[0 2] [2 3]] [[1 0] [1 0] [0 2]] >>> bars = np.array([[0,2],[0,1],[1,3]]) >>> broken_differential = np.array( ... [[0,0,0], ... [0,0,0], ... [0,1,0]]) >>> base3 = barcode_basis(bars, broken_basis=True, ... broken_differentials=broken_differential) >>> base3.dim 3 >>> print(base3) Barcode basis [[0 2] [0 1] [1 3]] """ def __init__(self, bars, prev_basis=None, coordinates=np.array([[]]), store_well_defined=False, broken_basis=False, broken_differentials=None): """Constructor method """ # When the basis is broken, the death_differentials must be given if broken_basis and (broken_differentials is None): raise ValueError self.broken_basis = broken_basis # Store given data self.barcode = np.copy(bars) self.prev_basis = prev_basis self.coordinates = coordinates # Assume the barcode basis is not sorted self.sorted = False # Take out trivial bars and also bad defined bars if len(bars) == 0: self.dim = 0 else: well_defined = self.barcode[:, 0] < self.barcode[:, 1] self.barcode = self.barcode[well_defined] self.dim = np.sum(well_defined) # Add coordinates, checking for mistakes on the data. if (prev_basis is not None) and (np.size(coordinates, 1) > 0): # Check that coordinates match the dimension of the previous basis if np.size(coordinates, 0) != self.prev_basis.dim: print("Error: given coordinates do not match dimension of" + "prev_basis") raise ValueError # check that same amount of coordinates as bars were given if np.size(bars, 0) != np.size(coordinates, 1): print("Error:given {} bars but {} coordinates".format( len(bars), np.size(coordinates, 1))) raise ValueError self.coordinates = self.coordinates[:, well_defined] if store_well_defined: self.well_defined = well_defined # make sure the broken differentials are given as a square # matrix of dimension self.dim if broken_basis: if np.size(broken_differentials, 0) == self.dim and np.size( broken_differentials, 1) == self.dim: self.broken_differentials = broken_differentials else: raise ValueError
[docs] def __str__(self): """Printing function for barcode bases. """ print("Barcode basis") print(self.barcode) if self.prev_basis is not None: print(self.coordinates) return ""
[docs] def sort(self, precision=7, send_order=False): """Sorts a barcode basis according to the standard barcode order. That is, from smaller birth radius to bigger, and from bigger death radius to smaller. A precision up to n zeros is an optional argument. Parameters ---------- precision : int, default is 7 Number of zeros of precision. send_order : bool, default is False Whether we want to generate a :obj:`Numpy Array` storing the original order. Returns ------- :obj:`Numpy Array` One dimensional array storing original order of barcodes. Example ------- >>> bars = np.array([[1,2],[0,4],[-1,3],[1,4]]) >>> base4 = barcode_basis(bars) >>> base4.sort(send_order=True) array([2, 1, 3, 0]) >>> base4 = barcode_basis(bars) >>> print(base4) Barcode basis [[ 1 2] [ 0 4] [-1 3] [ 1 4]] >>> base4.sort(send_order=True) array([2, 1, 3, 0]) >>> print(base4) Barcode basis [[-1 3] [ 0 4] [ 1 4] [ 1 2]] """ aux_bars = np.around(self.barcode, decimals=precision) order = np.lexsort((-aux_bars[:, 1], aux_bars[:, 0])) if self.prev_basis is not None: self.coordinates = self.coordinates[:, order] self.barcode = self.barcode[order] self.sorted = True if self.broken_basis: self.broken_differentials = self.broken_differentials[order] self.broken_differentials = self.broken_differentials[:, order] if send_order: return order
########################################################################### # Functions used by Image_kernel:
[docs] def changes_list(self): """Returns an array with the values of changes occurring in the basis. Returns ------- :obj:`Numpy Array` One-dimensional array with radii where either a bar dies or is born in `self`. Example ------- >>> print(base1) Barcode basis [[0 2] [0 1] [2 3]] >>> base1.changes_list() array([0, 1, 2, 3]) """ changes_radii = np.resize(self.barcode, (1, 2 * len(self.barcode))) return np.unique(changes_radii)
[docs] def active(self, rad, start=0, end=-1): """Returns array with active indices at rad. Option to restrict to generators from start to self.dim Parameters ---------- rad : `float` Radius where we want to check which barcodes are active. start : int, default is 0 Generator in `self` from which we start to search. end : int, default is -1 Generator in `self` until which we end searching for active generators. Returns ------- :obj:`Numpy Array` One-dimensional array with indices of active generators. This is relative to the start index. Example ------- >>> print(base3) Barcode basis [[0 2] [0 1] [1 3]] >>> array([0, 2]) >>>, start=1) array([0]) """ if end == -1: end = self.dim # end if if start >= self.dim or (end > self.dim) or (end < 0): print("start:{}, end:{}, self.dim:{}".format(start, end, self.dim)) raise ValueError # end if indices = np.array(range(end - start)) active_bool = np.logical_and(self.barcode[:, 0] <= rad, rad < self.barcode[:, 1]) return indices[active_bool[start:end]]
[docs] def trans_active_coord(self, coord, rad, start=0): """Given coordinates on the active generators, this returns coordinates in the whole basis. This also can be done relative to a start index higher than 0 Parameters ---------- coord : :obj:`Numpy Array` One dimensional array specifying the coordinates on the active basis. rad : float Radius on which we are checking for active generators. start : int, default is 0 We ignore the indices smaller than this. Notice that `coord` as well as the produced absolute coordinates will be adjusted appropriately. Returns ------- :obj:`Numpy Array` One dimensional array with a Example ------- >>> bars = [[0,5],[0,2],[1,4],[0.5,3]] >>> base7 = barcode_basis(bars) >>> base7.trans_active_coord([0,1,1],2.4) array([ 0., 0., 1., 1.]) >>> base7.trans_active_coord([-1,1],3.8) array([-1., 0., 1., 0.]) >>> base7.trans_active_coord([-1,1],2.2,1) array([ 0., -1., 1.]) """ trans_coord = np.zeros(self.dim - start) trans_coord[, start)] = coord return trans_coord
[docs] def death(self, rad, start=0): """Returns an array with the indices dying at rad. These indices are relative to the optional argument start. Parameters ---------- rad : float Radius at which generators might be dying start : int, default is 0 Example ------- >>> print(base4) Barcode basis [[-1 3] [ 0 4] [ 1 4] [ 1 2]] >>> base4.death(4) array([1, 2]) >>> base4.death(4,2) array([0]) """ if start >= self.dim: raise ValueError indices = np.array(range(self.dim - start)) death_bool = (self.barcode[:, 1] == rad) return indices[death_bool[start:]]
########################################################################### # Functions used by spectral_sequence class
[docs] def birth_radius(self, coordinates): """This finds the birth radius of a list of coordinates. Example ------- >>> base3 = barcode_basis([[0,2],[0,1],[1,3]]) >>> base3.birth_radius([1,0,3]) 1 """ if not np.any(coordinates): return np.nan # Returns nan if coordinates are zero return np.max(self.barcode[np.nonzero(coordinates), 0])
[docs] def death_radius(self, coordinates): """Find the death radius of given coordinates. Example ------- >>> print(base3) Barcode basis [[0 2] [0 1] [1 3]] >>> base3.death_radius([1,1,1]) 3 """ if not np.any(coordinates): return np.nan # Returns nan if coordinates are zero return np.max(self.barcode[np.nonzero(coordinates)])
[docs] def bool_select(self, selection): """Given a boolean array, we select generators from a barcode basis. Example ------- >>> print(base3) Barcode basis [[0 2] [0 1] [1 3]] >>> base5 = base3.bool_select([True,False,True]) >>> print(base5) Barcode basis [[0 2] [1 3]] """ if self.prev_basis is None: return barcode_basis(self.barcode[selection]) return barcode_basis(self.barcode[selection], self.prev_basis, self.coordinates[:, selection])
[docs] def active_coordinates(self, rad): """Active submatrix of coordinates at rad Example ------- >>> bars = np.array( ... [[0,5],[1,5],[1,5],[2,4]]) >>> baseP = barcode_basis(bars) >>> barsC = np.array( ... [[1,4],[2,5]]) >>> coord = np.array( ... [[1,0], ... [0,1], ... [2,1], ... [0,1]]) >>> baseC = barcode_basis(barsC, baseP, coord) >>> print(baseC) Barcode basis [[1 4] [2 5]] [[1 0] [0 1] [2 1] [0 1]] >>> bars array([[0, 5], [1, 5], [1, 5], [2, 4]]) >>> baseC.active_coordinates(1.3) array([[1], [0], [2]]) >>> baseC.active_coordinates(4.8) array([[0], [1], [1]]) >>> baseC.active_coordinates(3) array([[1, 0], [0, 1], [2, 1], [0, 1]]) """ A = np.copy(self.coordinates[:,]) return A[]
[docs] def active_domain(self, rad): """Active columns of coordinates at rad Example ------- >>> print(baseC) Barcode basis [[1 4] [2 5]] [[1 0] [0 1] [2 1] [0 1]] >>> baseC.active_domain(1.3) array([[1], [0], [2], [0]]) """ if self.dim == 0: return np.array([]) else: return np.copy(self.coordinates[:,])
########################################################################### # Function updating broken_differentials
[docs] def update_broken(self, A, rad): """Updates a matrix A, using the broken differentials of the generators dying at rad. We assume that the broken barcode basis is indexing the rows of A. Parameters ---------- A : :obj:`Numpy Array` columns represent coordinates in the barcode_basis. rad : float Radius at which we want to update the coordinates using the broken_differentials. Returns ------- A : :obj:`Numpy Array` return updated matrix Example ------- >>> print(base3) Barcode basis [[0 2] [0 1] [1 3]] >>> A = np.array( ... [[1,1,1], ... [0,2,-1], ... [0,1,1]]) >>> base3.update_broken(A, 1) array([[1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 3, 0]]) """ dying_indices = self.death(rad) if len(dying_indices) > 0: sum_update = np.matmul(self.broken_differentials[:, dying_indices], A[dying_indices]) A[dying_indices] = np.zeros((len(dying_indices), np.size(A, 1))) A = A + sum_update return A