

spectral_sequence(nerve, nerve_point_cloud, …) Space and methods for Mayer-Vietoris spectral sequences
class permaviss.spectral_sequence.spectral_sequence_class.spectral_sequence(nerve, nerve_point_cloud, points_IN, max_dim, max_r, no_pages, p)[source]

Space and methods for Mayer-Vietoris spectral sequences

  • nerve (list(Numpy Array)) – Simplicial complex storing the nerve of the covering. This is stored as a list, where the ith entry contains a Numpy Array storing all the ith simplices; a simplex for each row.
  • nerve_point_cloud (list(list(Numpy Array))) – Point clouds indexed by nerve of the cover, see permaviss.covers.cubical_cover
  • points_IN (list(list(Numpy Array))) – Point Identification Numbers (IN) indexed by nerve of the cover, see permaviss.covers.cubical_cover
  • max_dim (int) – Maximum dimension of simplices.
  • max_r (float) – Maximum persistence radius.
  • no_pages (int) – Number of pages of the spectral sequence
  • p (int(prime)) – The prime number so that our computations are mod p
nerve, nerve_point_cloud, points_IN, max_dim, max_r, no_pages, p

as described above


Differentials of Nerve. Used for computing Cech Complex.

Type:list(Numpy Array)
no_rows, no_columns

Number of rows and columns in each page

Type:int, int

List storing the differentials of the Nerve. The ith entry stores the matrix of the ith differential.

Type:list(Numpy Array)

List storing the simplicial complex on each cover element. For integers n_dim, k and dim the variable subcomplexes[n_dim][k][dim] stores the dim-simplices on the cover indexed by the k simplex of dimension n_dim in the nerve.

Type:list(list(list(Numpy Array)))

List storing the vertical differential matrices on the 0 page of the spectral sequence. For integers n_dim, k and dim the variable zero_diff[n_dim][k][dim] stores the dim differential of the complex on the cover indexed by the k simplex of dimension n_dim in the nerve.

Type:list(list(list(Numpy Array)))

List storing the number of bars on each local persistent homology. Given two integers n_dim and dim, the variable cycle_dimensions[n_dim][dim] contains a list where each entry corresponds to an n_dim simplex in the nerve. For each such entry, we store the number of nontrivial persistent homology classes of dimension dim in the corresponding cover.


Homology for each page of the spectral sequence. Given three integers which we denote n_dim, nerv_spx and deg we have that Hom[0][n_dim][nerv_spx][deg] stores a barcode_basis with the deg-persistent homology of the covering indexed by nerve[n_dim][nerv_spx]. All these store the homology on the 0 page of the spectral sequence. Additionally, for integers k > 0, n_dim and deg, we store in Hom[k][n_dim][deg] the barcode_basis for the homology on the (deg, n_dim) entry in the k page of the spectral sequence.


Image for each page of the spectral sequence. Given three integers which we denote n_dim, nerv_spx and deg we have that Im[0][n_dim][nerv_spx][deg] stores a barcode_basis for the image of the deg+1-differential of the covering indexed by nerve[n_dim][nerv_spx]. All these store the images on the 0 page of the spectral sequence. Additionally, for integers k > 0, n_dim and deg, we store in Im[k][n_dim][deg] the barcode_basis for the image on the (deg, n_dim) entry in the k page of the spectral sequence.


Preimages for each page of the spectral sequence. Given three integers which we denote n_dim, nerv_spx and deg we have that PreIm[0][n_dim][nerv_spx][deg] stores a Numpy Array for the Preimage of the deg+1-differential of the covering indexed by nerve[n_dim][nerv_spx]. Additionally, for integers k > 0, n_dim and deg, we store in PreIm[k][n_dim][deg] a Numpy Array for the preimages of the differential images in the (deg, n_dim) entry in the k page of the spectral sequence.

Type:list(...(list(Numpy Array)))

The asterisc * on the type can be either [] or list(Numpy Array). This is used for storing complex representatives for the cycles.


Array storing the dimensions of the entries in each page. Notice that the order in which we store columns and rows differs from all the previous attributes.

Type:Numpy Array(no_pages+1, max_dim, no_columns)

List storing the persistent homology generated by the spectral sequence. The i entry contains the i dimensional persistent homology.


This intends to store the original order of persistent_homology before applying the standard order.


Nested lists, where the first two indices are for the column and row. The last index indicates the corresponding extension matrix.

Type:list(list(list(Numpy Array)))


The indexing on the 0 page is different from that of the next pages. This is because we do not want to store all the 0 page information on the same place.

add_output_first(output, n_dim)[source]

Stores the 0 page data of n_dim column after it has been computed in parallel by multiprocessing.pool

  • output (list) – Result after using multiprocessing.pool on local_persistent_homology()
  • n_dim (int) – Column of 0-page whose data has been computed.
add_output_higher(Hom, Im, PreIm, end_n_dim, end_deg, current_page)[source]

Stores higher page data that has been computed along a sequence of consecutive differentials.

The studied sequence of differentials ends in

(end_n_dim, end_deg)

coming from

(end_n_dim + current_page, end_deg - current_page + 1)

and continuing until reaching an integer r > 0 such that either

end_n_dim + r * current_page > self.no_columns


end_deg - r * current_page + 1 > 0
  • Hom (list(barcode_basis)) – Homology of a sequence of differentials in the spectral sequence. This is computed using permaviss.persistence_algebra.module_persistence_homology.
  • Im (list(barcode_basis)) – Images of a sequence of differentials in the spectral sequence.
  • PreIm (list(Numpy Array)) – Preimages of a sequence of differentials in the spectral sequence.
  • end_n_dim (int) – Integer specifying the column position where the sequence of differentials ends.
  • end_deg (int) – Integer specifying the row position where the sequence of differentials ends.
  • current_page (int) – Current page of the spectral sequence.
cech_diff(n_dim, deg, start_chains)[source]

Given chains in (n_dim + 1, deg), compute Cech differential.

  • deg (n_dim,) – Codomain position in spectral sequence.
  • chains (local_chains object) – Chains on (n_dim+1, deg) that are stored as references in chains[0] and local coordinates as rows in chains[1].

image_chains – Image coordinates of Cech differential.

Return type:

Local Coordinates

cech_diff_and_lift(n_dim, deg, start_chains, R)[source]

Given chains in position (n_dim, deg), computes horizontal differential followed by lift by vertical differential.

Procedure: (1) take chains in position (n_dim, deg) (2) compute the Cech differential of these chains. We do this in parallel over the covers in (n_dim-1, deg) (3) Lift locally. Steps (2) and (3) are parallelized at the same time.

  • deg, current_page (n_dim,) – Postition on spectral sequence and current page.
  • chains (list(list(Numpy Array))) –

  • betas (coordinates on first pages)
  • [lift_references, lift_coordinates] (local coordinates lifted by) – vertical differential.

cech_diff_and_lift_local(R, start_chains, n_dim, deg, nerve_spx_index)[source]

Takes some chains in position (n_dim+1, deg) and computes Cech diff followed by a lift by vertical differential. This is done locally at cover information in (n_dim, deg).

This method is meant to be run in parallel.

  • R (list) – Vector of radii
  • start_chains (local_chains object) – Chains in position (n_dim + 1, deg)
  • deg, nerve_spx_index (n_dim,) – Position in spectral sequence and local index.

  • betas_1_page (Numpy Array) – Coefficients of lift to 1st page on position (n_dim, deg)
  • local_lift_references (list) – List of local references of lift.
  • local_lift_coordinates (Numpy Array) – Local coordinates of lift.

cech_diff_local(start_chains, n_dim, deg, nerve_spx_index)[source]

Local Cech differential, starting from chains in (n_dim + 1, deg).

  • start_chains (local_chains object) – Chains to compute Cech differential from.
  • deg, nerve_spx_index (n_dim,) – Position in spectral sequence and local index.

  • local_image_ref (list) – List of local references of image.
  • local_image_coord.T (Numpy Array) – Local coordinates of image. Expressions correspond to rows while local simplices correspond to columns.

compute_higher_representatives(n_dim, deg, current_page)[source]

Computes total complex representatives for current_page classes in position (n_dim, deg).

Resulting representatives written in self.Hom_reps[current_page][n_dim][deg]

Parameters:deg, current_page (n_dim,) – Position on the spectral sequence and current page.
compute_two_page_representatives(n_dim, deg)[source]

Computes total complex representatives for second page classes in position (n_dim, deg).

Resulting representatives are written in self.Hom_reps[1][n_dim][deg]

Parameters:deg (n_dim,) – These specify the position on the spectral sequence where we want to compute and store the second page representatives.
extension(start_n_dim, start_deg)[source]

Take information from spectral sequence class, and calculate extension coefficients for a given position (start_deg, start_n_dim).

first_differential(n_dim, deg)[source]

Compute differential on first page (n_dim, deg) –> (n_dim-1, deg)

Parameters:deg (n_dim,) – Differential domain position on first page.
Returns:Betas – Coefficients of image of first page differentials. The image of each class from (n_dim, deg) is given as a row.
Return type:np.array
first_page_lift(n_dim, deg, start_chains, R)[source]

Given some chains in position (n_dim, deg), lift to first page accross several covers.

  • deg, current_page (n_dim,) – Postition on spectral sequence and current page.
  • start_chains (local_chains object) – Chains in position (n_dim, deg) that we lift to first page.
  • R (list) – Values at which we lift start_chains

  • Betas_1_page (Numpy Array) – Coordinates on first page. Rows correspond to expressions and columns to homology classes.
  • lift_chains (local_coord object) – Chains after lifting vertically by horizontal differential.

first_page_local_lift(n_dim, deg, local_coord, lift_radii, nerve_spx_index)[source]

Lift to first page on a given open cover.

  • deg (n_dim,) – Position on spectral sequence.
  • local_coord (Numpy Array) – Local coordinates to be lifted to first page and vertical differential. Rows are expressions while columns correspond to local simplices.
  • lift_radi (list) – Values at which we want to lift start_chains by the vertical differential.
  • nerve_spx_inex (int) – Local index. This function is meant to be parallelized over this.

  • gammas (Numpy Array) – 2D Matrix expressing coefficients of lift. Each expression corresponds to a column, while image generators correspond to rows.
  • betas (Numpy Array) – 2D Matrix expressing coefficients in terms of homology classes on page 1. Expressions correspond to columns, while homology classes correspond to rows.

high_differential(n_dim, deg, current_page)[source]

Compute differential on current-page (n_dim, deg) –> (n_dim - current_page, deg + current_page - 1).

Parameters:deg (n_dim,) – Differential domain position.
Returns:Betas – Coefficients of image of current_page differentials. The image of each class from (n_dim, deg) is given as a row.
Return type:np.array
lift_to_page(n_dim, deg, target_page, Betas, Beta_barcode)[source]

Lifts chains in position (n_dim, deg) from page 1 to target_page

Returns Betas and image coordinates.

  • deg (n_dim,) – Differential domain position.
  • target_page (int) – Lift classes up to this page.
  • Betas (np.array) – Coordinates of classes on first page.
  • Betas_barcode (np.array) – Barcodes of classes to be lifted.

  • Betas.T (np.array) – Coefficients of image of current_page differentials. The image of each class from (n_dim, deg) is given as a row.
  • Gammas.T (np.array) – Coefficients of added differentials of (current_page - 1) page. This is such that the sum of differentials using Gammas, plus adding classes using target_betas leads to the original Betas.

local_cech_matrix(n_dim, deg, nerve_spx_index, nerve_face_index, nerve_coeff)[source]

Returns matrix of Cech differential in (n_dim, deg) restricted on component (nerve_face_index, nerve_spx_index).

  • deg (n_dim,) – Position in spectral sequence.
  • nerve_face_index (nerve_spx_index,) – Local indices in domain and codomain respectively.
  • nerve_coeff (int) – Coefficient in nerve differential determined by the pair nerve_spx_index and nerve_face_index.

boundary – Matrix of size (subcpx[n_dim-1][nerve_face_index][deg], subcpx[n_dim][nerve_spx_index][deg]) that represents the local cech differential.

Return type:

Numpy Array