Source code for permaviss.sample_point_clouds.examples

import numpy as np

import scipy.spatial.distance as dist

[docs]def take_sample(point_cloud, no_samples): """ Take a subsample from samples using a minmax algorithm. We start from a random point. Then choose the point further appart. Next, we take the point that is further appart from the taken points. Continuing we take all the samples from `point_cloud`. Parameters ---------- point_cloud : :obj:`Numpy Array` List of points to take samples from. np_samples : int Number of samples that we want to take. It has to be smaller than the dimension of `point_cloud`. Returns ------- :obj:`Numpy Array` Matrix storing the coordinates of the sampled points. """ no_points = len(point_cloud) no_samples = min(no_points, no_samples) Dist = dist.squareform(dist.pdist(point_cloud)) k = int(np.random.rand() * no_points) - 1 selection = [k] point_selection = [point_cloud[k]] for i in range(no_samples): not_selected = np.setdiff1d(range(no_points), selection) rest_Dist = np.min(Dist[not_selected][:, selection], axis=1) k = not_selected[np.argmax(rest_Dist)] selection.append(k) point_selection.append(point_cloud[k]) return np.array(point_selection)
[docs]def circle(no_points, radius): """ Take random points from a circle on the plane. This circle has centre `(0, 0)`. Parameters ---------- no_points : int Number of points wanted. radius : float Radius of the circle. Returns ------- :obj:`Numpy Array` Coordinates of sampled points from the circle. """ point_cloud = [] step = 2 * np.pi / (no_points) for n in range(no_points): point_cloud.append([radius * np.cos(n * step), radius * np.sin(n * step)]) return np.asarray(point_cloud)
[docs]def random_circle(no_points, radius, epsilon, center=[0, 0]): """ Take random points around a circle on the plane. Parameters ---------- no_points : int Number of points wanted. radius : float Radius of the circle. epsilon : float Noise that we want to apply to each sampled point. centre : `list(float, float)` Two entries specifying the position of the centre. Returns ------- :obj:`Numpy Array` Coordinates of sampled points from around the circle. """ point_cloud = [] for n in range(no_points): random_angle = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi random_rad = radius * (1 + np.random.rand() * epsilon) point_cloud.append([center[0] + random_rad * np.cos(random_angle), center[1] + random_rad * np.sin(random_angle)]) return np.asarray(point_cloud)
[docs]def ball(no_points, radius, dim): """ Take random points from a ball of a given dimension. This ball has centre `(0, 0, 0)`. Parameters ---------- no_points : int Number of points wanted. radius : float Radius of the ball. dim : int Dimension of the ball. Returns ------- :obj:`Numpy Array` Coordinates of sampled points from the ball. """ point_cloud = [] for n in range(no_points): valid_point = False while valid_point is False: point = [] for d in range(dim): point.append((np.random.rand() - 0.5) * radius) v = np.array(point) if np.linalg.norm(v) < radius: valid_point = True point_cloud.append(point) return np.asarray(point_cloud)
[docs]def random_sphere(no_points, radius, dim): """ Take random points from a sphere of a given dimension. This sphere has centre `(0, 0, 0)`. Parameters ---------- no_points : int Number of points wanted. radius : float Radius of the sphere. dim : int Dimension of the sphere. Returns ------- :obj:`Numpy Array` Coordinates of sampled points from the sphere. """ point_cloud = [] for n in range(no_points): point = [] for d in range(dim): point.append((np.random.rand() - 0.5) * radius) v = np.array(point) norm = np.linalg.norm(v) for d in range(dim): point[d] = point[d] / norm point_cloud.append(point) return np.asarray(point_cloud)
[docs]def random_cube(no_points, dim): """ Take random points from a unit cube around the origin. This cube can be of various dimensions. Parameters ---------- no_points : int Number of points wanted. dim : int Dimension of the cube. Returns ------- :obj:`Numpy Array` Coordinates of sampled points from the cube. """ point_cloud = [] for n in range(no_points): point = [] for d in range(dim): point.append(np.random.rand() - 0.5) point_cloud.append(point) return np.asarray(point_cloud)
[docs]def grid(hdiv, vdiv): """ Take the nodes from a hdiv x vdiv grid on 2D plane. Parameters ---------- hdiv : int Number of rows. vdiv : int Number of columns. Returns ------- :obj:`Numpy Array` List of points. """ hshift = hdiv / 2. - 0.5 vshift = vdiv / 2. - 0.5 point_cloud = [] for i in range(hdiv): for j in range(vdiv): point_cloud.append([i - hshift, j - vshift]) return np.asarray(point_cloud)
[docs]def grid_tridimensional(hdiv, vdiv, ddiv): """ Take the nodes from a hdiv x vdiv x ddiv grid on 3D space. Parameters ---------- hdiv : int Number of rows. vdiv : int Number of columns. ddiv : int Number of flats. Returns ------- :obj:`Numpy Array` List of points. """ hshift = hdiv / 2. - 0.5 vshift = vdiv / 2. - 0.5 dshift = ddiv / 2. - 0.5 point_cloud = [] for i in range(hdiv): for j in range(vdiv): for k in range(ddiv): point_cloud.append([i - hshift, j - vshift, k - dshift]) return np.asarray(point_cloud)
[docs]def torus3D(no_points, min_rad=1, max_rad=3): """ Take samples from a torus embedded in 3D space. Parameters ---------- no_points : int Number of points to be taken. min_rad : float, default is `1` Radius of circle on section of the torus. max_rad : float, default is `3` Distance from the torus centre to the centre of the section. Returns ------- :obj:`Numpy Array` List of points. """ if min_rad > max_rad: raise ValueError point_cloud = [] for i in range(no_points): theta = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi alpha = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi point_cloud.append([ (max_rad + min_rad * np.cos(alpha)) * np.cos(theta), (max_rad + min_rad * np.cos(alpha)) * np.sin(theta), min_rad * np.sin(alpha)]) return np.asarray(point_cloud)