Source code for permaviss.spectral_sequence.MV_spectral_seq

This module implements the Mayer-Vietoris spectral sequence management.

import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial.distance as dist

import time

from multiprocessing import Pool
from functools import partial

from ..covers import cubical_cover

from ..simplicial_complexes.differentials import complex_differentials
from ..simplicial_complexes.vietoris_rips import vietoris_rips

from ..persistence_algebra.PH_classic import persistent_homology
from ..persistence_algebra.image_kernel import image_kernel
from ..persistence_algebra.module_persistence_homology import (
from ..persistence_algebra.barcode_bases import barcode_basis

from .spectral_sequence_class import spectral_sequence

[docs]def create_MV_ss(point_cloud, max_r, max_dim, max_div, overlap, p): """ This function creates a Mayer Vietoris spectral sequence with the given parameters. The procedure has four main steps: 1) Obtain a cover and a nerve associated to it. 2) Compute the persistent homology on each cover, intersections, and so on. 3) Compute spectral sequence pages until they collapse. 4) Solve the extension problem Parameters ---------- point_cloud : Numpy Array Coordinates for given points. Each row corresponds to a point. max_r : float Maximum radius of persistence. max_dim : int Maximum dimension of simplexes in Vietoris-Rips complex. max_div : int Number of division hypercubes on the dimension with maximum length on point cloud. overlap : float Overlap between adjacent covers. Returns ------- MV_ss : :class:`spectral_sequence` object containing all the information. Example ------- >>> from permaviss.sample_point_clouds.examples import random_cube, ... take_sample >>> X = random_cube(1000,3) >>> point_cloud = take_sample(X,130) >>> max_r = 0.36 >>> max_dim = 3 >>> p = 3 >>> max_div = 2 >>> overlap = max_r*1.01 >>> MV_ss = create_MV_ss(point_cloud, max_r, max_dim, max_div, overlap, ... p) PAGE: 1 [[ 25 7 4 1 0 0 0 0 0] [160 118 128 144 112 56 16 2 0] [310 380 436 445 336 168 48 6 0]] PAGE: 2 [[ 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [ 98 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [131 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]] PAGE: 3 [[ 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [ 97 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [131 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]] PAGE: 4 [[ 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [ 97 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [131 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]] >>> print(MV_ss.persistent_homology[0].dim) 131 >>> print(MV_ss.persistent_homology[1].dim) 97 >>> print(MV_ss.persistent_homology[2].dim) 21 """ start = time.time() # Divide point cloud using hypercube cover # Use points_IN to build Nerve in future more general version nerve_point_cloud, points_IN, nerve = cubical_cover.generate_cover( max_div, overlap, point_cloud) nerve_dim = len(nerve) - 1 # Count maximum points on hypercube cover max_points = 0 for hyp_pc in nerve_point_cloud[0]: if max_points < np.size(hyp_pc, 0): max_points = np.size(hyp_pc, 0) # initialize the spectral sequence, compute the maximum number of pages no_pages = min(max_dim + 2, nerve_dim) MV_ss = spectral_sequence(nerve, nerve_point_cloud, points_IN, max_dim, max_r, no_pages, p) # 0 PAGE ################################################################## for n_dim in range(0, nerve_dim): if n_dim > 0: n_spx_number = np.size(nerve[n_dim], 0) else: n_spx_number = nerve[0] partial_persistent_homology = partial(local_persistent_homology, nerve_point_cloud, max_r, max_dim, p, n_dim) workers_pool = Pool() output =, range(n_spx_number)) workers_pool.close() MV_ss.add_output_first(output, n_dim) # 1 PAGE ################################################################## # Print page print("PAGE: 1") flip = np.array(range(MV_ss.no_rows)) flip = -flip print(MV_ss.page_dim_matrix[1][np.argsort(flip)]) # Loop through all rows of spectral sequence for deg in range(max_dim): base = [barcode_basis(MV_ss.first_page_barcodes[0][deg])] differentials = [0] for n_dim in range(1, nerve_dim): base.append(barcode_basis(MV_ss.first_page_barcodes[n_dim][deg])) differentials.append((MV_ss.first_differential(n_dim, deg)).T) # end for Hom, Im, PreIm = module_persistence_homology(differentials, base, p) MV_ss.add_output_higher(Hom, Im, PreIm, 0, deg, 1) # compute total complex representatives for second page classes for n_dim in range(nerve_dim): if MV_ss.Hom[1][n_dim][deg].dim > 0: MV_ss.compute_two_page_representatives(n_dim, deg) # end if # end for # end for # PAGES => 2 ############################################################## for current_page in range(2, no_pages): # Print page print("PAGE: {}".format(current_page)) flip = np.array(range(MV_ss.no_rows)) flip = -flip print(MV_ss.page_dim_matrix[current_page][np.argsort(flip)]) # Loop through sequences of possibly nontrivial differentials # current_page columns for start_n_dim in range(current_page): for start_deg in range(max_dim): deg = start_deg n_dim = start_n_dim differentials = [0] base = [MV_ss.Hom[current_page - 1][n_dim][deg]] # While (n_dim, deg) lies within the spectral sequence # boundaries while deg >= 0 and n_dim < nerve_dim: # Advance to differential domain and compute differential deg += 1 - current_page n_dim += current_page if deg >= 0 and n_dim < nerve_dim: differentials.append(MV_ss.high_differential( n_dim, deg, current_page).T) base.append(MV_ss.Hom[current_page - 1][n_dim][deg]) # end if # end while Hom, Im, PreIm = module_persistence_homology(differentials, base, p) MV_ss.add_output_higher(Hom, Im, PreIm, start_n_dim, start_deg, current_page) # adjust reps of im and create reps for next hom deg = start_deg n_dim = start_n_dim while deg >= 0 and n_dim < nerve_dim: # compute total complex reps for next page classes MV_ss.compute_higher_representatives( n_dim, deg, current_page) deg += 1 - current_page n_dim += current_page # end if # end while # end for # end for # end for # EXTENSION PROBLEM ####################################################### # store 0 dim persistent homology MV_ss.persistent_homology.append(MV_ss.Hom[MV_ss.no_pages - 1][0][0]) # Go through each diagonal for deg in range(1, MV_ss.no_rows): # compute dimension of diagonal deg dim_PH = [0] # Cumulative dimensions for persistent homology along diagonals start_deg = deg for start_n_dim in range(min(deg+1, MV_ss.no_columns)): dim_PH.append(MV_ss.page_dim_matrix[no_pages][ start_deg, start_n_dim] + dim_PH[-1]) start_deg -= 1 # end for if dim_PH[-1] > 0: # Save space for extension matrix ext_mat = np.zeros((dim_PH[-1], dim_PH[-1])) # compute extension matrix start_deg = deg-1 for start_n_dim in range(1, min(deg+1, MV_ss.no_columns)): if MV_ss.page_dim_matrix[no_pages-1][ start_deg, start_n_dim] > 0: MV_ss.extension(start_n_dim, start_deg) extensions = MV_ss.extensions[start_n_dim][start_deg] column_range = ext_mat[:, dim_PH[start_n_dim]: dim_PH[ start_n_dim+1]] for i, blk in enumerate(extensions): if len(blk) > 0: column_range[dim_PH[start_n_dim - i]: dim_PH[ start_n_dim + 1 - i]] = np.copy(blk) # end for # end if start_deg -= 1 # end for # # add up barcodes in diagonal barcode = [] start_deg = deg for start_n_dim in range(min(deg+1, MV_ss.no_columns)): if len(barcode) == 0 and \ MV_ss.Hom[no_pages-1][start_n_dim][start_deg].dim > 0: barcode = MV_ss.Hom[no_pages-1][start_n_dim][ start_deg].barcode else: if MV_ss.Hom[no_pages-1][start_n_dim][start_deg].dim > 0: barcode = np.append(barcode, MV_ss.Hom[no_pages-1][ start_n_dim][start_deg].barcode, axis=0) # end else start_deg -= 1 # end for # Create a new barcode basis, based on the death radius of the # extension matrix column diagonal_basis = barcode_basis(np.copy(barcode)) # Create new basis, which is the direct sum matrix. This is a # broken barcode basis with broken differentials given by the # extension matrix. direct_sum_basis = barcode_basis(barcode, broken_basis=True, broken_differentials=ext_mat) # Create an identity matrix as a morphism from diagonal_basis # to direct_sum_basis. diag_diff = np.identity(diagonal_basis.dim) # Order the barcodes for domain and range MV_ss.order_diagonal_basis.append(diagonal_basis.sort( send_order=True)) order = direct_sum_basis.sort(send_order=True) # Reorder associated matrix accordingly diag_diff = diag_diff[:, MV_ss.order_diagonal_basis[-1]] diag_diff = diag_diff[order] # set all barcode endpoints to max_r in diagonal_basis diagonal_basis.barcode[:, 1] = max_r * np.ones(diagonal_basis.dim) PH, _ = image_kernel( diagonal_basis, direct_sum_basis, diag_diff, MV_ss.p) MV_ss.persistent_homology.append(PH) # end if # end for print("Total PerMaViss time:{}".format(time.time()-start)) return MV_ss
############################################################################### # Local persistent homology # Method to be parallelized
[docs]def local_persistent_homology(nerve_point_cloud, max_r, max_dim, p, n_dim, spx_idx): """ This function computes the Vietoris Rips complex and persistent homology of a covering region. It is meant to be run in parallel. Parameters ---------- nerve_point_cloud : :obj:`list(list(Numpy Array))` Local point cloud coordinates indexed by nerve. The first entry contains a list of the point cloud coordinates for each covering region. The second entry contains a list of the point cloud coordinates for each double intersection of covering regions. And so on. points_IN : :obj:`list(list(Numpy Array))` Local Identification Numbers (IN) indexed by nerve. That is, this is the same as `nerve_point_cloud`, but containing IN instead of coordinates for each point. max_r : `float` Maximum radius for computing persistent homology. max_dim : int Maximum dimension for complexes n_dim : int Current dimension in Nerve of cover spx_idx : int Index of n_dim simplex of the covering nerve. Returns ------- local_complex : :obj:`list(Numpy Array)` See :mod:`permaviss.simplicial_complexes.vietoris_rips` local_differentials : :obj:`list(Numpy Array)` See :mod:`permaviss.simplicial_complexes.differentials` Hom, Im, PreIm : :obj:`list(barcode_basis)`, :obj:`list(barcode_basis)`, :obj:`list(Numpy Array)` See :meth:`permaviss.persistence_algebra.PH_classic.persistent_homology` """ local_point_cloud = nerve_point_cloud[n_dim][spx_idx] # Compute local Vietoris Rips complex and differentials if len(local_point_cloud) == 0: local_Dist = [] else: local_Dist = dist.squareform(dist.pdist(local_point_cloud)) local_complex, local_R = vietoris_rips(local_Dist, max_r, max_dim) local_differentials = complex_differentials(local_complex, p) # Persistent Homology Hom, Im, PreIm = persistent_homology(local_differentials, local_R, max_r, p) return local_complex, local_differentials, Hom, Im, PreIm