Source code for permaviss.gauss_mod_p.gauss_mod_p


This module implements Gaussian elimination by columns modulo a prime
number p.
import numpy as np
from .arithmetic_mod_p import add_arrays_mod_c, inv_mod_p

# Index searching function

[docs]def index_pivot(vect): """Returns the pivot of a 1D array Parameters ---------- vect : :obj:`list(int)` List of integers to compute pivot from. Returns ------- int Index of last nonzero entry on `vect`. Returns -1 if the list is zero. """ vect_bool = np.nonzero(vect) if len(vect_bool[0]) > 0: return vect_bool[0][-1] return -1
assert index_pivot(np.array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0])) == 3 assert index_pivot(np.array([0, 0, 0])) == -1 ############################################################################### # Gaussian elimination procedure
[docs]def gauss_col(A, p): """This function implements the Gaussian elimination by columns. A is reduced by left to right column additions. The reduced matrix has unique column pivots. Parameters ---------- A : :obj:`Numpy Array` Matrix to be reduced p : `int(prime)` Prime number. The corresponding field will be Z mod p. Returns ------- R : :obj:`Numpy Array` Reduced matrix by left to right column additions. T : :obj:`Numpy Array` Matrix recording additions performed, so that AT = R """ if np.size(A, 0) == 0: return np.array([]), np.array([]) # number of columns in A N = np.size(A, 1) # copy of matrix to be reduced # The matrix is transposed for more computational efficiency R = np.copy(np.transpose(A)) T = np.identity(N) # iterate over all columns for j in range(N): pivot = index_pivot(R[j]) # Assume that the j-column is not reduced reduced = False while (pivot > -1) & (not reduced): reduced = True # look for previous columns to j for k in range(j): # if the pivots coincide, subtract column k to column j # multiplied by a suitable coefficient q if index_pivot(R[k]) == pivot: q = (R[j][pivot] * inv_mod_p(R[k][pivot], p)) % p R[j] = add_arrays_mod_c(R[j], -q * R[k], p) T[j] = add_arrays_mod_c(T[j], -q * T[k], p) # reset pivot if np.any(R[j]): pivot = index_pivot(R[j]) reduced = False break # end if # end for # end while # end for return np.transpose(R), np.transpose(T)
[docs]def gauss_col_rad(A, R, start_index, p): """This function implements the Gaussian elimination by columns, but specialized for columns with birth radius. A is reduced by left to right column additions starting from start_index. Only columns from a lower index are added to columns with a higher index. Parameters ---------- A : :obj:`Numpy Array` Matrix to be reduced R: :obj:`Numpy Array` Vector with radius start_index:`int` Index at which reduction starts p : `int(prime)` Prime number. The corresponding field will be Z mod p. Returns ------- T : :obj:`Numpy Array` Matrix recording additions performed, so that we obtain the lifts and coefficients. Raises ------ ValueError If reduced columns do not vanish. """ # TO DO: check that trivial matrices are not sent here. # number of columns in A N = np.size(A, 1) # copy of matrix to be reduced # The matrix is transposed for indexing convenience, also do % p Red = np.copy(np.transpose(A % p)) T = np.identity(N) pivots = [] for col in Red[:start_index]: pivots.append(index_pivot(col)) # iterate over all columns for j in range(start_index, N): pivot = index_pivot(Red[j]) # Assume that the j-column is not reduced while pivot > -1: # look for previous columns to j for k in range(start_index): # check the radius if R[k] <= R[j]: # if the pivots coincide, subtract column k to column j # multiplied by a suitable coefficient q if index_pivot(Red[k]) == pivot: q = (Red[j][pivot] * inv_mod_p(Red[k][pivot], p)) % p Red[j] = add_arrays_mod_c(Red[j], -q * Red[k], p) T[j] = add_arrays_mod_c(T[j], -q * T[k], p) # reset pivot and check for nullity if np.any(Red[j]): break # end if # end if # end if # end for new_pivot = index_pivot(Red[j]) if new_pivot != pivot: pivot = new_pivot else: print("pivot:{}".format(pivot)) print(Red[j]) raise(RuntimeError) # end while # end for return np.transpose(Red), np.transpose(T)
[docs]def gauss_barcodes(A, row_barcode, col_barcode, start_index, p): """This function implements the Gaussian elimination by columns, but specialized for columns and rows with arbitrary finite barcodes. It reduces columns starting from start_index by the previous ones. Returns the combinations that lead to those columns. For each column to reduce, performs gaussian elimination on corresponding submatrix. ROW AND COLUMN BARCODES HAVE TO BE ORDERED, OTHERWISE THERE WILL BE PROBLEMS, ALMOST SURELY. Parameters ---------- A : :obj:`Numpy Array` Matrix to be reduced row_R: :obj:`Numpy Array` Vector with radius of rows col_R: :obj:`Numpy Array` Vector with radius of columns start_index:`int` Index at which reduction starts p : `int(prime)` Prime number. The corresponding field will be Z mod p. Returns ------- coefficients : :obj:`Numpy Array` Matrix recording additions performed, so that we obtain the lifts and coefficients. Raises ------ ValueError If reduced columns do not vanish. """ # TO DO: check that trivial matrices are not sent here. # number of columns in A N_col = np.size(A, 1) # copy of matrix to be reduced # Matrix to reduce coefficients = np.zeros((start_index, N_col - start_index)) # iterate over all columns from start_index for idx, j in enumerate(range(start_index, N_col)): # find active rows at start rad of current beta active_rows = np.array(range(np.size(A, 0)))[np.logical_and( row_barcode[:, 0] <= col_barcode[j, 0], col_barcode[j, 0] < row_barcode[:, 1])] active_columns = np.array(range(start_index))[np.logical_and( col_barcode[:start_index, 0] <= col_barcode[j, 0], col_barcode[j, 0] < col_barcode[:start_index, 1] )] if len(active_rows) > 0: active_columns = np.append(active_columns, j) print # do a gaussian elimination with respect to submatrix Red, T = gauss_col(A[active_rows][:, active_columns], p) # check that last column has been reduced if np.any(Red[:, -1]): raise(RuntimeError) # store combination that equals the jth column of A coefficients[active_columns[:-1], idx] = -T[:-1, -1] % p # end for return coefficients