Source code for permaviss.covers.cubical_cover

import math
import numpy as np

from ..simplicial_complexes import flag_complex as flCpx

# Jump to next hypercube in cover

[docs]def next_hypercube(pos, div): """Jumps to next hypercube in cubical cover Parameters ---------- pos : :obj:`list` List of integer values specifying the position of the current hypercube. This is edited to the next hypercube. div : :obj:`list` List of integer values specifying how many hypercubes divide each dimension. Example ------- >>> pos = [1,1,1] >>> div = [3,3,2] >>> next_hypercube(pos, div) >>> pos [1, 2, 0] """ for i in range(len(pos)): if pos[-i-1] < div[-i-1]-1: pos[-i-1] += 1 for k in range(i): pos[-k-1] = 0 break
############################################################################### # Generate cubical cover of a point cloud
[docs]def generate_cover(max_div, overlap, point_cloud): """Divides a point cloud into a cubical cover. Receives a point cloud point_cloud in R^n and returns it divided into cubes and their respective intersections. It also generates the nerve of the covering. Parameters ---------- max_div : int Number of divisions on the maximum side of point_cloud overlap : float Overlap between adjacent hypercubes. point_cloud : :obj:`Numpy Array` Each row contains the coordinates of a point Returns ------- divided_point_cloud : :obj:`list(list(Numpy Array 2D))` Point cloud coordinates indexed by nerve. The `i` entry contains the point cloud coordinates indexed by the `i` simplices of the nerve. That is, the first entry contains the coordinates contained in hypercubes. The second entry the coordinates of points in double intersections of hypercubes. And so on. points_IN : :obj:`list(list(Numpy Array 1D))` Identification Numbers (IN) of points in regions indexed by nerve. That is, this is the same as `divided_point_cloud` but storing IN instead of coordinates. nerve : :obj:`list(Numpy Array)` The nerve of the hypercube cover. Example ------- >>> point_cloud = circle(5, 1) >>> max_div = 2 >>> overlap = 0.5 >>> divided_point_cloud, points_IN, nerve = generate_cover(max_div, ... overlap, point_cloud) >>> divided_point_cloud[0] [array([[-0.80901699, -0.58778525], [ 0.30901699, -0.95105652]]), array([[ 0.30901699, 0.95105652], [-0.80901699, 0.58778525]]), array([[ 1. , 0. ], [ 0.30901699, -0.95105652]]), array([[ 1. , 0. ], [ 0.30901699, 0.95105652]])] >>> divided_point_cloud[1] [array([], shape=(0, 2), dtype=float64), array([[ 0.30901699, -0.95105652]]), array([], shape=(0, 2), dtype=float64), array([], shape=(0, 2), dtype=float64), array([[ 0.30901699, 0.95105652]]), array([[ 1., 0.]])] >>> points_IN[0] [array([3, 4]), array([1, 2]), array([0, 4]), array([0, 1])] >>> points_IN[1] [array([], dtype=float64), array([4]), array([], dtype=float64), array([], dtype=float64), array([1]), array([0])] >>> nerve[0] 4 >>> nerve[1] array([[ 0., 1.], [ 0., 2.], [ 1., 2.], [ 0., 3.], [ 1., 3.], [ 2., 3.]]) >>> nerve[2] array([[ 0., 1., 2.], [ 0., 1., 3.], [ 0., 2., 3.], [ 1., 2., 3.]]) >>> nerve[3] array([[ 0., 1., 2., 3.]]) """ # Get the dimension of our dataset dim = np.size(point_cloud, 1) # Find the 'corners' of the dataset min_corner, max_corner = corners_hypercube(point_cloud) # Find the largest coordinate difference between min_corner and max_corner max_length = np.amax(np.absolute(max_corner - min_corner)) side = max_length / max_div # side of division hypercubes number_hypercubes = 1 div = [] # list containing no of divisions per dimension pos = [] # list containing current position for d in range(dim): div.append(math.ceil((max_corner[d] - min_corner[d]) / side)) number_hypercubes *= div[d] # compute total number of hypercubes pos.append(0) # initialize position list to zero divided_point_cloud = [] points_IN = [] for d in range(number_hypercubes): divided_point_cloud.append([]) points_IN.append([]) """ Now we assign points to each division hypercube. Also we compute the underlying graph of the nerve. """ # dist: distance from the center of an hypercube to a face dist = overlap / 2. + side / 2. for i in range(number_hypercubes): # Find two corners and center point of small hypercube lcor = np.copy(min_corner) # lower corner ucor = np.copy(min_corner) # upper corner center = np.copy(min_corner) # center point for d in range(dim): lcor[d] += side * pos[d] ucor[d] += side * pos[d] center[d] += side * pos[d] + side / 2. lcor[d] -= dist - side / 2. ucor[d] += dist + side / 2. """ Include points in divided_point_cloud[i] if they lie on this hypercube """ for idx_pt, pt in enumerate(point_cloud): in_hypercube = True # assume the point lies on the hypercube """Now we check whether x lies really on the hypercube""" for k in range(dim): if lcor[k] > pt[k]: in_hypercube = False break if ucor[k] < pt[k]: in_hypercube = False break """If x is in hypercube we include it""" if in_hypercube: divided_point_cloud[i].append(pt) points_IN[i].append(idx_pt) divided_point_cloud[i] = np.array(divided_point_cloud[i]) points_IN[i] = np.array(points_IN[i]) # advance position of hypercube next_hypercube(pos, div) # Compute nerve of the cover nerve = nerve_hypercube_cover(div) # Compute the point cloud and IN for each simplex in Nerve # Return this information so that the function spectral_sequence # has less work to do. This can be parallelized nerve_point_cloud = [divided_point_cloud] nerve_points_IN = [points_IN] for k, k_simplices_nerve in enumerate(nerve[1:]): nerve_point_cloud.append([]) nerve_points_IN.append([]) for simplex in k_simplices_nerve: points_IN_intersection = intersection_covers(points_IN, simplex) points_coord_intersection = point_cloud[points_IN_intersection] nerve_points_IN[k+1].append(np.array(points_IN_intersection)) nerve_point_cloud[k+1].append(np.array(points_coord_intersection)) return nerve_point_cloud, nerve_points_IN, nerve
############################################################################### # Background functions supporting generate_cover
[docs]def corners_hypercube(point_cloud): """Returns maximum and minimum corners of hypercube containing point_cloud. Parameters ---------- point_cloud : :obj:`Numpy Array` Coordinates of point data. Each row corresponds to a point. Returns ------- min_corner, max_corner : :obj:`Numpy Array`, :obj:`Numpy Array` Minimum and maximum corners of containing hypercube. Example ------- >>> from permaviss.sample_point_clouds.examples import random_cube >>> point_cloud = random_cube(5,2) >>> point_cloud array([[-0.30392908, -0.40559307], [ 0.4736051 , -0.28257937], [-0.41760472, -0.30445089], [-0.02406966, 0.001455 ], [-0.28425041, -0.11212227]]) >>> min_corner, max_corner = corners_hypercube(point_cloud) >>> min_corner array([-0.41760472, -0.40559307]) >>> max_corner array([ 0.4736051, 0.001455 ]) """ min_corner = np.amin(point_cloud, axis=0) max_corner = np.amax(point_cloud, axis=0) return min_corner, max_corner
############################################################################### # Generate the nerve of an hypercube covering
[docs]def nerve_hypercube_cover(div): """Generates the nerve of an hypercube covering. Given an array of divisions of an hypercube cover, this returns the nerve. Parameters ---------- div : :obj:`Numpy Array` 1D array of divisions per dimension. Returns ------- nerve : :obj:`list(Numpy Array)` Nerve associated to hypercube covering. Example ------- Nerve for three dimensional covering. There are 6 hypercubes and the divisions per dimension are given as 1 x 3 x 2. >>> div = [1,3,2] >>> nerve = nerve_hypercube_cover(div) >>> nerve[0] 6 >>> nerve[1] array([[ 0., 1.], [ 0., 2.], [ 1., 2.], [ 0., 3.], [ 1., 3.], [ 2., 3.], [ 2., 4.], [ 3., 4.], [ 2., 5.], [ 3., 5.], [ 4., 5.]]) >>> nerve[2] array([[ 0., 1., 2.], [ 0., 1., 3.], [ 0., 2., 3.], [ 1., 2., 3.], [ 2., 3., 4.], [ 2., 3., 5.], [ 2., 4., 5.], [ 3., 4., 5.]]) >>> nerve[3] array([[ 0., 1., 2., 3.], [ 2., 3., 4., 5.]]) >>> nerve[4] [] """ dim = np.size(div) # compute number of hypercubes number_hypercubes = 1 for d in range(dim): number_hypercubes *= div[d] nerve_graph = [] pos = np.zeros(dim) for current_index in range(number_hypercubes): neighbour_step = -1 * np.ones(dim) # current step to neighbour # Add all the edges to the neighbour graph while np.any(neighbour_step < np.zeros(dim)): step = 1 # how much we need to move the index for each coordinate # Initialize and compute the index of the neighbour neighbour_index = current_index # initialize the lower index for i in range(dim): # if the hypercube is not a neighbour pass if ( ((pos[i] == 0) & (neighbour_step[i] == -1)) or ((pos[i] == div[i] - 1) & (neighbour_step[i] == 1))): neighbour_index = -1 break neighbour_index += neighbour_step[-i - 1] * step step *= div[-i - 1] # increase coordinate step if (neighbour_index >= 0) & (sorted( [neighbour_index, current_index]) not in nerve_graph): """Include edge (index_neighbour,index_current) to the nerve graph. Only do this whenever this makes sense and the edge is not in the nerve already. """ nerve_graph.append(sorted([neighbour_index, current_index])) # advance to next neighbour step for i in range(dim): if neighbour_step[-i-1] < 1: neighbour_step[-i-1] += 1 for k in range(i): neighbour_step[-k-1] = -1 break next_hypercube(pos, div) return flCpx.flag_complex(nerve_graph, number_hypercubes, 2**dim)
############################################################################### # Compute the common points on the intersection determined by simplex
[docs]def intersection_covers(points_IN, simplex): """Computes the points in the intersection specified by a nerve simplex. Parameters ---------- points_IN : :obj:`list(list(Numpy Array 1D))` Identification Numbers (IN) of points in covering hypercubes. simplex : :obj:`Numpy Array` Simplex in nerve which specifies intersection between hypercubes. Returns ------- points_IN_intersection : :obj:`list(int)` IN of points in the intersection specified by simplex. Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> points_IN = [np.array([0,3,5]),np.array([0,1]), np.array([1,5])] >>> simplex = np.array([0,1]) >>> intersection_covers(points_IN, simplex) [0] """ points_IN_intersection = points_IN[int(simplex[0])] for k in range(1, len(simplex)): points_IN_intersection = [ idx_pt for idx_pt in points_IN_intersection if idx_pt in points_IN[int(simplex[k])]] return points_IN_intersection